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اى معلومات لديكم ؟
20-03-2005, 06:28 PM
يبدو أن بعض الهاكرز نجحوا فى وقفه.. وهم على ما أعتقد تابعين لمنظمة للإحتجاج على حرب العراق.. ومن وجهة نظرى هم من الملحدين والمسلمين والفوضويين والشواذ جنسيا .. وهم يستخدمون عبارات المحبة والسلام والبيئة فقط لإضلال الشباب الصغير للإنضمام إليهم بينما الواقع يقول أن المحبة فى عرفهم هى محبة الجنس والفوضى و السلام هو سلام النشوة بعد تعاطى المخدرات
وهؤلاء هم من يعادون الرئيس بوش الجمهورى المسيحى... وربما إختاروا هذا اليوم لأنه الذكرى الثانية لغزو العراق
وتصورى أنهم إختاروا كل المواقع المسيحية بصرف النظر عن جنسية الموقع..
20-03-2005, 06:40 PM
ترجمة لرسالة الهاكرز من البرتغالية إلى الإنجليزية
"Ideology, I want one to live"
"the powerful ones can kill one, two or three roses, but never they will obtain it withhold the entire spring"
We want a better world, we want peace, we want justice!
Hunger arrives of people passing, arrives of death and destruction! If to continue thus in them we will arrive the extinguishing! What it takes the human being to be so cruel? It will be that we are born thus? Or it will be that this is fruit of the place where lives? Place this that, bad things are normal and good things are rare. Where the people will get used with the badness of the humanity. Where the governor of the greater harnesses of the world, she does not want to sign one treat one that she will go to bring well for all, for the simple fact to being bad for its economy. But if they are the greater harness of the world and that nothing it can shake them, because treat one that ALMOST ALL the countries had signed will go to harm they. Well, if somebody has something to lose (in relation the economy) this somebody is the developing countries, but that for signal they had signed.
Freedom you all the people! Stop the to war!
We Are:
Shaman286 / d3ux / roTTen / [ ANB]-M1
Brsil & Prtugthe l
اشكرك اخى الحبيب knowjesus_knowlove
اشكرك على اهتمامك بالرد و الترجمه
21-03-2005, 01:52 PM
copticpop is on again {{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]]