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المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 01-05-2009
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
Egypt orders immediate slaughter of all pigs

The Egyptian Government in a very strange move… have ordered to slaughter all pigs in the country. All Scientific and Animal watch groups around the word, are in odds with the Egyptian government reasons for such a call.

Egypt orders immediate cull of all pigs

Health Minister says further precautionary measures against deadly virus will be introduced.
CAIRO - Egypt on Wednesday ordered the immediate cull of all pigs in the country to avoid any outbreak of the deadly swine flu, Health Minister Hatem al-Gabali said.

“It has been ordered to immediately begin the slaughter of all herds of pigs in Egypt,” Gabali told reporters after a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak.
He said slaughter houses were to begin the culling process on Wednesday at the fastest rate possible.

Further precautionary measures such as the launch of a widespread awareness campaign and an increase in the production of protective masks and anti-viral Tamiflu medicine would also be introduced, he said.

Egypt’s agriculture ministry says there are 250,000 pigs in the country, belonging to and eaten by the members of the Coptic Christian minority.

On Tuesday, Egypt’s lower house of parliament called for the slaughter of the country’s pigs amid fears over the spread of the swine flu.
The provocative move by the Egyptian Government, in reality is having aim towards the poor Christian' populations. The sole owners of all big’ farms in the country are the lower end of the Christian’s minority in Egypt. By ordering the saluter of all pigs’ in Egypt, the government will be depriving 1,000,000 poor people from their only source of income. This bizarre move, could only understood as an indirect financial attack on Christian minorities, under the cover of swine flu protections.

Egypt is the 1st country in the world ignoring all the scientific evidence and going ahead with the saluter process to protect the Egyptians ....from the
" swine flu"

In the latest news, the World Health Organisation are looking into changing the name of the latest health scare to avoid slaughtering million’s of pigs as a result of linking the virus to pigs

Inaccurate 'swine' flu label
CNN - Health

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) --
The disease most people in the United States and worldwide know as "swine flu" is actually a combination of human and animal strains and has not been shown to be transmissible through eating pork.

"[This flu is being called something that it isn't, and it's hurting our entire industry," said Dave Warner, communications director for the National Pork Producers Council. "It is not a 'swine' flu, and people need to stop calling it that ... they're ruining people's lives.[/B"

]Swine Flu: Don't Blame the Pig
Time- Heath & Science
By Jeffrey Kluger http://www.time.com/time/health/arti...0.html?cnn=yes
The problem begins with the wily nature of the influenza virus itself. It may be an uncomplicated thing, made up of nothing more than 10 proteins assembled into a genome that's simple even by microbiological standards, but that bare-bones genome is unusually flexible, with snap-in, snap-out gene segments that allow easy mutation and exchange of information with other viruses. That's the reason we need a new flu vaccine every year: by the time one flu season has ended and the next one begins, the virus has changed so much, it can simply shake off last year's shot. Compare that with, say, polio; the vaccine was perfected in 1955 and hasn't had to change much since.

كلمة الصليب عند الهالكين جهالة و اما عندنا نحن المخلصين فهي قوة الله "كور 1 -1:18
لى النقمة ان اجازى يقول الرب
رفعنا قلوبنا ومظلمتنا اليك يارب

الأقباط يصرخون و المسلمون يعتدون و الشرطة يطبلون

آخر تعديل بواسطة El-Basha ، 04-05-2009 الساعة 05:48 AM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 02-05-2009
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: Egypt orders immediate slaughter of all pigs

More and more Scientific communities rejecting the idea of killing pigs, will protect humans.

Scientific American
By Coco Ballantyne in

By Coco Ballantyne

Will killing Egyptian pigs actually

Not in the slightest, says Barbara Straw, a professor of large animal clinical science at Michigan State University's College of Veterinary Medicine in East Lansing: "It doesn't make any sense to kill pigs."

If we know the following 2 facts:

1) The Pig is a forbidden animal in Islam and pegs are not "hall" to eat by Muslims. Egypt's majority will be very happy to wipe out pigs for religious reasons.

2) The pig's farm owners in Egypt are the poor Christian COPTS farmers, which their sole income is pig farming….

We could understand, the bizarre move by the Egyptian Government. It is a direct financial attack on Christian minorities & the unholy pigs in one move. ....It is all under the cover of swine flu protections.... sorry... H1N1.

No one in his/her perfect mind will destroy farms and deprive big sector of his population from there sole income without any scientific evidence…. unless there is a political gain from such a move.....

It is the Islamic Republic of Egypt

Let us take a stand to help poor people & Animals from being slathered in Egypt by sending the below e-mail to the following international organizations.

Request for your immediate help
to stop the Egyptian Government slaughtering all pigs in Egypt

The Egyptian Government in a very strange move… have ordered slaughtering all pigs in the country. All Scientific and Animal watch groups around the word, are in odd with the Egyptian government reasons for such a call.

The provocative move by the Egyptian Government, in reality is having aim towards the poor Christian populations. The sole owners of all big farms in the country, are the lower end of the Christian’s minority in Egypt. By ordering the slaughter of all pigs’ in Egypt, the government will be depriving 100,000 poor people from their only source of income. This bizarre move, could only understood as an indirect financial attack on Christian minorities, under the cover of swine flu protections.

Egypt is ignoring all the scientific evidence and going ahead with the slaughter process to protect the Egyptians from the “Swine flu”.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), is changing the name of the latest health scare from " Swine flu" to" H1N1 " to avoid .... slaughtering millions of pigs as a result of linking the name of the virus to pigs

المنظمات العالمية الرئيسية لحقوق الانسان
السفير الأمريكى
السفير البريطانى
اتحاد احزاب الخضر و حماة البيئة و الحيوانات و الحياة الطبيعية
منظمة العمل الدولية التابعة للامم المتحدة
خاصة و نحن فى عيد العمال و الجريمة هى قطع عيش
آلاف العمال العاملين فى مجال رعى الخنازير لاسباب دينية محمدية ارهابية
منظمة الصحة العالمية
خاصة و هى مسئولة عن معاقبة مصر
على جريمتها الارهابية ضد الرعاة الفقراء و خنازيرهم

كلمة الصليب عند الهالكين جهالة و اما عندنا نحن المخلصين فهي قوة الله "كور 1 -1:18
لى النقمة ان اجازى يقول الرب
رفعنا قلوبنا ومظلمتنا اليك يارب

الأقباط يصرخون و المسلمون يعتدون و الشرطة يطبلون

آخر تعديل بواسطة El-Basha ، 02-05-2009 الساعة 04:23 AM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 03-05-2009
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
evil Egypt pig farmers & Police clash over slaughter

Civil unrest in Cairo

Egypt pig farmers & Police clash over slaughter

May 3, 2009 8:33 pm admin2 Egptian News, Coptic News, General

Egyptian animal rights activist Amina Abaza deplored the slaughter of pigs and said ”the decision to cull them was probably taken only because they belong to the Copts.

”Egyptian riot police clashed on Sunday with stone-throwing pig farmers who were trying to prevent their animals from being taken away for slaughter as part of a mass nationwide cull that has split the country and raised charges or religious persecution.

Between 300 and 400 residents of the hilly Moqattam slum district of Cairo, where mostly Coptic Christian scrap merchants raise pigs, hurled stones and bottles at police even as other pig farmers called on Pope Shenouda III to intervene against the “injustice.”
Anti-riot police d rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators, most of them youth. Witnesses said the protesters ransacked a police post and an officer d warning shots in the air.Seven policemen were slightly injured, a security official said, while at least eight demonstrators were hurt, according to an AFP correspondent and a medic.

“They want to steal our livelihood,” protested Adel Izhak, a resident of the Moqattam neighborhood of Manshiyet Nasr, home to about 35,000 scrap and recycling merchants known as the “zabaleen” who raise some 60,000 pigs.
Pig farmers and rubbish collectors assembled at the neighborhood’s church, where a priest tried to convince them to surrender the pigs.

“What have you accomplished? Violence begets violence.The government has agreed to compensate all of you,” Father Samaan, flanked by government representatives, said.

“They will give you compensation,” he added, in a speech that was often interrupted by angry farmers.
Condoned by Copt
Earlier in the week Pope Shenouda, head of the Coptic church, remarked that Christians did not eat pork meat, according to al-Masry al-Youm, which was criticized by some as giving a green light to the government-sanctioned slaughter.

“Slaughtering animals to prevent the spread of a disease is a strategy already adopted twice in Egypt to deal with mad cow disease and bird flu. In those cases, the owners of any animal culled got compensation, so we hope this will also happen with pig farmers” Dr. Tharwat Bassily, Under-Secretary of the General Confessional Council told al-Masry al-Youm.

“This shows how just and firm the state is,” he said, adding that the Church was not involved in the government’s decision and that the Pope’s remarks simply reflected the fact that Copts in Egypt eat very little pork.

Egypt’s pigs mostly belong to and are eaten by members of Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority and are reared by rubbish collectors in Cairo’s shantytowns. Islam bans the consumption of pork for the majority Muslims.
There were conflicting reports over whether Egyptian pig farmers would receive compensation for their slaughtered livestock.

According to the government newspaper al-Ahram, the authorities plan to pay out 100 pounds ($14) for each male animal slaughtered and 250 pounds ($35) for each female pig.

Last week Agriculture Minister Amin Abaza said that since the farmers would be allowed to sell the pork meat there would be no need for compensation, though some media reported that compensation for pig owners could reach 1,000 Egyptian pounds ($180 dollars) at some point.

He did not address how the farmers would sell the meat if the population consumes little pork and a surfeit would likely drive down prices.
Farmer workers, who earn 20-22 pounds ($3.64-$4) per day, have sought to distance themselves from the zabaleen because their pigs are fed potatoes and bread and are subject to spot tests by the Ministry of Health, according to the independent Daily News Egypt.

The rubbish collectors, who used the pigs to dispose of organic waste and sell off some animals from their herds once a year, say the cull will affect their business and wipe out a crucial source of income.
Ferreting out why
Egyptian animal rights activist Amina Abaza deplored the slaughter of pigs and said the decision to cull them was probably taken only because they belong to the Copts.

“They are doing all this although there is not one single case of swine flu in Egypt,” Abaza, who is the founder of the first animal rights association in Egypt known as SPARE, said.

Egypt began the cull of the nation’s 250,000 pigs on Saturday, despite the World Health Organization saying there was no evidence the animals were transmitting swine flu to humans and admissions by Egyptian authorities the cull is a general health measure rather than a precaution against swine flu.

“The authorities took advantage of the situation to resolve the question of disorderly pig rearing in Egypt,” health ministry spokesman Abdelrahman Shahine told AFP Thursday. No cases of swine flu have been detected in Egypt.

The authorities have said it will take six months to carry out the pig slaughter and announced plans to import three machines to raise the culling capacity to 3,000 animals a day

كلمة الصليب عند الهالكين جهالة و اما عندنا نحن المخلصين فهي قوة الله "كور 1 -1:18
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الأقباط يصرخون و المسلمون يعتدون و الشرطة يطبلون
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 06-05-2009
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
evil مشاركة: Egypt orders immediate slaughter of all pigs

(Writing by Cynthia Johnston; Editing by Richard

CAIRO (Reuters) -

Egypt garbagemen clash with police over pig cull

Egyptian police d tear gas on Sunday at garbage collectors who pelted them with rocks and bottles over fears they had come to seize their pigs as a precaution against a new flu virus.
At least 10 people were injured in the clashes in Manshiet Nasr, a shantytown on Cairo's outskirts where residents burnt trash barriers in the street to keep police at bay. Security sources said up to 15 people were detained.
Three police were also injured in clashes with pig farmers in another area of the capital.
Egypt, already hit hard by bird flu, ordered the slaughter of all Egypt's roughly 300,000 to 400,000 pigs on April 29 as a precaution against the H1N1 swine flu virus, a move the United Nations said was "a real mistake."
Egypt, which has not reported any H1N1 cases, fears another flu virus could spread quickly in a country where most of the roughly 80 million population live in the densely packed Nile Valley, many in crowded slums around Cairo.
One security source said police had gone to the Manshiet Nasr neighbourhood, a mix of concrete and brick apartment blocks and makeshift shanties, to seize pigs belonging to garbage collectors who make their living sorting trash.
But another security source said police were simply surrounding the neighbourhood to prevent residents from moving their animals outside the neighbourhood to hide them from officials seeking to enforce a cull.
"We serve the people and they come and cut off our livelihood. The pigs don't have any disease. The country is diseased. Take samples from the pigs and if they have disease, we would cull them," Manshiet Nasr resident Marzouk Badr Adli said after the clashes, complaining about the cull.
The new virus strain -- a mix of swine, avian and human viruses -- is being spread by people, not pigs. But culling swine, largely viewed as unclean in Muslim Egypt, could help quell any public panic in the most populous Arab country.
Pigs are mainly raised by the Christian minority, and government officials have complained that some farmers are trying to hide their pigs, making it harder for officials to carry out the cull.
The World Health Organisation has identified 787 H1N1 infections in 17 countries, including in Egypt's neighbour Israel, and said there were 19 confirmed deaths in Mexico.

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