العلوم وتكنولوجيا الاتصالات ويضم اخر المبتكرات التكنولوجية .. الستالايت والموبايلات وغيرها |
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Four-octet dotted decimal representation of 32-bit binary numbers
Four-octet dotted decimal representation of 32-bit binary numbers This page will explain how binary numbers are represented in dotted decimal notation. Currently, addresses assigned to computers on the Internet are 32-bit binary numbers. To make it easier to work with these addresses, the 32-bit binary number is broken into a series of decimal numbers. First the binary number is split into four groups of eight binary digits. Then each group of eight bits, or octet, is converted into its decimal equivalent. This conversion can be performed as shown on the previous page. When written, the complete binary number is represented as four groups of decimal digits separated by periods. This is called dotted decimal notation and provides a compact and easy way to refer to 32-bit addresses. This representation is used frequently later in this course, so it is necessary to understand it. For dotted decimal to binary conversions, remember that each group of one to three decimal digits represents a group of eight binary digits. If the decimal number that is being converted is less than 128, zeros will be needed to be added to the left of the equivalent binary number until there are a total of eight bits. Try the following conversions for practice: Convert to its 32-bit binary equivalent. Convert 10000000 01011101 00001111 10101010 to its dotted decimal equivalent.
لا تضلوا. لا زناة ولا عبدة اوثان ولا فاسقون ولا سارقون ولا طماعون ولا سيكرون يرثون ملكوت الله (1 كورنثوس 6: 9، 10) |
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