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قديم 07-08-2006
Christian Christian غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
المشاركات: 449
Christian is on a distinguished road
Replying to errors in the Old Testament

Hi to all ,

Do you have a link for sites in English that reply to the "so called" errors in Creating the Universe in Genesis .

I need to reply to this :

Originally Posted by Simo007

Question 1

The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 -5, the light was created on the first day, genesis chapter 1 verses 14-19 the cause of light “the stars and the sun etc.. “ was created on the fourth day, how can the cause of light be created on the fourth day later than the light which came in existence on the first day, it’s not scientific.

Question 2

Further the bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verses 9-13 earth was created on the third day, how can you have night and day without the earth, the day depends upon the rotation of the earth, without the earth created how can you have a night and day?

Question 3

Genesis chapter 1 verses 9 -13 earth was created on the third day. Genesis chapter1 verses 14-19 the sun and the moon was created on the fourth day, today science tell us that earth is part of the pairing body of the sun, it cannot come to existence before the sun, that’s unscientific.

Question 4

Bible says in genesis chapter 1 verses 11-13 the vegetation “the herbs, the Shrubs, the trees etc...” were created on the third day, and the sun in genesis chapter 1 verses 14-19 was created on the fourth day, how can the vegetation come into existence without sunlight, and how can they survive without sunlight? the seas were also formed before the sun (Genesis. 1:9-10), why didn't they quickly freeze? Why didn't the "water above" fall to the ground as snow (Genesis 1:9)?

Question 5

The bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verse 16 god created two lights the greater light ( the sun) to rule the day, and the lesser light ( the moon) to rule the night, the actual translation if we go to the Hebrew texts, it is lamps, having light of its own, and that you’ll come to know better if you read both the verses in Genesis chapter 1 verses 16-17
Verse 17 says” And God place them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth” to give light upon the earth, indicating that the sun and the moon have their own light, which is in contradiction with established scientific knowledge that we have.

Question 6

it mentions in the book of Hebrews chapter 1 verses 10-11, and in the book of Psalms chapter 102 V. 25-26, that almighty God created the heavens and the earth and they will perish, exactly the opposite is mentioned in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 and in Psalms 78 v 69 that the earth will remain forever, both can’t be correct, so which one is it? Will the earth remain forever? Or will it perish? I’ll let you guys choose which one of the verses is unscientific, the verses that says that earth will remain forever or the one that says that earth will perish, one has to be unscientific, both can’t take place in the same time, earth cannot remain forever as well as perish.
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