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قديم 30-08-2006
godhelpcopts godhelpcopts غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2006
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godhelpcopts is on a distinguished road
David Welch الامريكى الذى يدافع عن الاقباط

David Welch الامريكى يدافع عن الاقباط

C. David Welch
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

My second question is about the Muslim Brotherhood. Some diplomats, including Americans and Canadians, unofficially met with figures from the Muslim Brotherhood once, and there were also reports that a second meeting was scheduled, but did not take place. So is there a dialogue, or does the US care to have a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood? And how true are reports about America being interested in funding non- aggressive religious movements in Egypt?

Welch: The facts as I understand them about Congress's action on assistance funding are as follows: in the bill that has been agreed upon by the two houses of the American Congress, there is language that provides an additional $1 million to be used for promotion of democracy through civil society, including to Ibn Khaldoun. Earlier in the legislature process, there were other ideas that were debated on Capitol Hill, but this is the one that I know about now; I presume that the Congress expects the administration to find this additional $1 million elsewhere in our system's programme because it was written in that manner, if you understand what I mean. It's not coming out of the money earmarked for Egypt.

Concerning the Muslim Brotherhood, as far as I know and I believe I should know about these things, the leadership of the Ikhwan does not want to meet with any American diplomats. No staff of mine has met with the Ikhwan. When you say that we are joining Canadians in meetings, I don't think so. I do not know where that comes from.

Shehab: So you are not interested in any dialogue with them

Welch: I did not say that. I said I will take a look at it, if they changed their position. You asked me, "Are we meeting with them?" and I said no.


في محاضرة بالخارجية الأمريكية منذ عدة شهور أجاب ديفيد وولش مساعد وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية لشئون الشرق الأوسط عن سؤال حول حوار أمريكي مع جماعة الأخوان المسلمين المصرية بقوله
" نحن لا نتحاور مع جماعة محظورة وإرهابية".

آخر تعديل بواسطة godhelpcopts ، 30-08-2006 الساعة 03:43 PM

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