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قديم 10-01-2004
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
المشاركات: 569
ELSHIEKH is on a distinguished road
Ninth attack on the P Center

Jan. 9, 04

The Canadian Coptic Association


News Release

A Christmas from Egyptian army unit to young mentally and physically handicapped Christian children and orphans of a center runs by nuns outside Cairo!!!!

On January 5th, one day before Copts start their Christmas celebration, young special needs residents of Charity Isle of Patmos Christian Center (www.ocrs-eg.org), located in the desert 31 Kilometers on Cairo-Suez Road east of Cairo, was attacked by a large mob from a neighboring army unit camp. The center was attacked nine times in the last six and a half years, most recently on April 5th2003 and November 18th2003 by Islamic extremist soldiers members of the unit, encouraged by high ranking officers.

This time a larger number of the army unit were involved using army vans and two bulldozers calling for a religious war “Jihad” by shouting “Allah Akbar” which means God is great, which was used by Islamic worriers during the old Islamic invasions.

It was reported that the soldiers destroyed part of the fence in an attempt to enter the secured center, trying to block the main entrance with sand, setting in adjacent building owned by the Center and damaging a car that drove the head of the Center Bishop Botros from Cairo to negotiate with the mob.

It was also reported that before the attack, the soldiers closed Suez Road which is a very busy high way used by commercial and industrial trucks and busses. A full size bus belongs to a government transportation company Shark El Delta was seen after being stopped by the soldiers and getting into discussion with some of them, driving off the road into Bishop Botros and some workers from the center killing a 19 years old, Kirolos Dawoud Lameay, injuring seven more people who are hospitalized including one in critical condition and a nun that was beaten by the Islamic extremist soldiers!!!!!.

It was reported by police that the bus driver disappeared after hitting the crowd however workers from the center and eye witnesses believe that he was secured by soldiers in their adjacent camp. An army unit spokes person claimed that the bus driver just lost control over his bus!!!

Pictures of the attack can be viewed on coptslink.com. Information was posted on the net hours after the accident by Barnabus Fund, The Voice of the Martyrs, Maranatha Christian Journal and Assist News Service.

How far these barbarian actions will be tolerated by International Human Rights organizations and peace loving leaders in our civilized world? The Egyptian government is either unable (which we doubt) or unwilling to interfere to put an end to the continuous inhuman attacks on the most defenseless and vulranable members of society. Are we going to wait and set back to read next reports informing us with the beating to death of these children? Why not? The barbarian extremists, of whom thousands were let loose recently by the current government, are widely infiltrating and controlling police, army, public and private sectors, universities and schools.

Only a complacent government controlled by Islamic fundamentals will permit this kind of human abuse, the physical assault of a nun and the massacre of 21 innocent Christians including children as young as 11years old in El - kosheh village on the eve of January 2000, with “no justice served” as 96 detainees were released without convection except for 2, one faced fifteen years imprisonment sentence for killing a Muslim brother!! And a three years sentence for another for the position of unregistered weapon!!.

For more information please contact:

President Dr. Selim Naguib, PhD in Law and Political Science

ssnaguib@sympatico.ca or ssnaguib@hotmail.com

Fax: 514:485 -1533

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