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المنتدى العام يهتم هذا القسم بالأخبار العامه

المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 10-03-2006
mrenie mrenie غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Oct 2004
الإقامة: Cairo
المشاركات: 123
mrenie is on a distinguished road
flower زيارة السيد الرئيس حسنى مبارك إلى أوروبا رجاء المشاركه

السيد الرئيس حسنى مبارك يبدأ زيارته لعدة دول اوروبيه منها ايضا الفاتيكان..

رجاء نسخ و نشر التقرير التالى .. و لقد و صلنى عن طريق الايميل و ينصح بنشره فى الاوساط و المراكز الاوروبيه و نص الايميل بواسطة السيد / مدحت قلاده .. الاقباط متحدون

------------------------ المقال بالغه الانجليزيه -------------------

Dear all

Please find hereunder an article regarding the above referenced subject.

Kindly distribute this article to all newspapers, politicians of the
European Union, Embassies, all VIP persons, and all media, etc....i.e.; to
spread it as much as possible.

God bless you all and bless your efforts,
Medhat Klada

The Report:


For the second consecutive year President Hosny Mubarak did not show up in Washington as was his habit each spring since he assumed the presidency of Egypt. This, together with the fact that his regime depends heavily on the economic and political support of the United States of America, indicate that he is rightly being looked at as a persona non grata in the American capital.

Yet because of the obvious failure of his regime at home, he finds himself in need to act as a statesman who can shape and influence international events. He therefore embarks on frequent foreign trips to boost this false image. The fact is that Egypt has lost any significant influence or prestige in the international arena because of the relentless deterioration in every aspect of the lives of its suffering citizens.

To compensate for the USA refusal of his yearly US visit, and the shunning of his old friend President Jacques Chirac of France, Mubarak embarked on a sudden and unexplained visit to some other European countries, ironically, the tormentor of the Egyptian Christians is also including the Vatican in his self promoting tour, to keep up the impression that he is still a worthy international leader both inside and outside Egypt.

Under Mubarak, lip service is commonly used as "democratic reforms" while his vicious autocratic grip keeps stifling any possible real changes that can promote democracy in his country. The cosmetic changes in the Egyptian constitution to allow more than one candidate to run for the presidency while guaranteeing his inevitable re-election for a fifth term, the blatant and violent intervention of his security and police forces in the last parliamentary elections, and the more recent two years postponement of local government council elections as well as the continued incarceration of his only credible opponent in the presidential elections all betray the extent of Mr. Mubarak's commitment to a real democratic reform.

The Egyptian president continues to boost the sweeping Islamist winds that have changed the shape and the direction of the country to allow himself to compete with his rivals for power, the Moslem Brotherhood, without any regard to the real interests of the country and its need for a modern secular and democratic rule that responds to the needs and aspirations of the crushed populace.

While he is practically enforcing a de facto Islamist rule not much different from that envisioned by the Moslem Brothers, Mubarak is trying to convince the USA, and the rest of the world that he is the better of the two evils.

The native Christians of Egypt, the Copts, who number about 12 million citizens according to Mr. Osama El Baz, Mubarak chief political advisor, continue to suffer heavily under Mubarak despite the fact that they voted heavily for him in the last perfunctory presidential elections. This was out of their justified fear that the alternative would be a take over by the Moslem Brothers who would then declare a more regressive Islamic regime not unlike that of the Saudi Wahabis or the Taliban of Afghanistan.

The Copt's support of Mubarak was rewarded by an almost complete absence of representation in the Egyptian parliament still effectively dominated by his cronies and party despite an increased presence of the Moslem Brothers. The Copts continue to be denied the right to be built new churches needed to accommodate their increasing numbers. They are also denied the appointment in the higher ranks of army, police and security forces, and their representation in these institutions, as well as the diplomatic corps, higher academic institutions, and the judiciary now approach zero.

The Copts have to endure the burning of some of the few existing churches, houses, businesses, properties, and possessions. They are subject to repeated daily physical aggressions and humiliating psychological abuse without the hope of any governmental protection. They are denied the basic freedoms they are entitled to as Egyptian citizens and free human beings living in the twenty first century.

It is clear that Hosni Mubarak is an expired bullet. His corrupt and failing rule continues to burden the Egyptian nations and fosters the very conditions that promote Islamic militancy, terrorism, and instability not only in Egypt but also in the whole Arab and Muslim world.

Dr. Sabri Gohara

Source returns to : www.copts-united.com
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 10-03-2006
الصورة الرمزية لـ smile
smile smile غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2003
الإقامة: لندن - الدور التالت
المشاركات: 3,021
smile is on a distinguished road
شكرا ليك يا mrenie

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