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قديم 02-08-2006
logic2006 logic2006 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 21
logic2006 is on a distinguished road
flower How to create your resume?

1. Begin with a summary.
Showcase two or three of your most exciting accomplishments. Bullet these items and use numbers to illustrate their extent.
It isn't compelling enough to say, "Grew territory revenues," or even, "Grew territory revenues in excess of corporate goal." What really hits home is saying, "Grew territory revenues 25% in less than 6 months," or, even better, "Grew territory revenues 25% in less than 6 months versus goal of 15%."
By starting out this way, you'll be showing people how good you are, not just telling them that you're good. As a plus, you'll distinguish yourself from job seekers who begin by listing their functional specialties and a brief discussion of their strengths.

2. Use a chronological format.
The next section of your resume relates to your experience. Always list your experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Employers and recruiters dislike resumes that follow a "functional" format, where experience is cited by job function, such as sales, marketing or public relations.
Organizing your resume functionally is a major gaffe -- tantamount to committing job-search suicide. Many employers and recruiters won't read this type of presentation because they can't tell when and where an experience has occurred.
"My clients and I need to know when somebody did something and at which company, especially what they did in the last five years," says Dave Gillespie, principal of D. Gillespie & Associates, an executive-search firm in Broomall, Pa. "Because this critical information isn't available in functional resumes, I usually don't read them."

3. Tailor your resume to the job you're seeking.
More can be done to strengthen your candidacy within the chronological format.
Because the goal of your resume is to gain interviews for a particular position, always cite your activities in order of their importance to that job. Omit information that's unrelated. The less you say about your unrelated experience, the more impact the related activities will have.
If you're seeking two or three different positions, prepare two or three separate resumes, each tailored to the job you're after.

4. Focus on your accomplishments.
Next, discuss your accomplishments, not your responsibilities. Recruiters and prospective employers are primarily interested in the value you've brought to your past employers. Most important are improvements you made and their benefit to the department or organization, especially in increasing revenues or reducing costs.
To identify your most important accomplishments, follow the advice offered by Martin John Yate in "Resumes That Knock 'Em Dead" (Adams Media Corp., 2003). Ask yourself, "What did I do that I'm most proud of?" and "What did I do that I want other people to know about?"
Always look for opportunities to show how you exceeded expectations, outperformed peers, or excelled during adverse conditions, such as during a tough economic period, aggressive campaigns by competitors or unique company setbacks - for instance, the loss of a large customer.
"I'm not impressed by an accomplishment unless it's put into perspective by showing how the applicant did something that was truly noteworthy," says Robert Kaminsky, president of Folex Imaging in Fairfield, N.J. "For example, anyone can sell an exciting new product that's being supported by a massive national advertising campaign. But to exceed corporate plan or grow business during an industry contraction -- that makes me want to meet the person."
Don't save the most exciting thing you did for last. Job hunters who do this -- and many do -- erroneously believe they are telling a compelling story that leads up to a dramatic climax. Instead, begin the discussion about your experience at an employer with that climactic statement. If you don't, your story may never get told.

5. Use de******ive verbs.
Describe your experiences in phrases that start with a past-tense action word. Bullet each item. Bullets and verbs in the past tense produce statements that are more vivid and illustrative. These verbs are particularly effective:
• directed, led, managed, supervised;
• achieved, delivered, drove, generated, grew, increased, initiated, instituted and launched;
• cut, decreased, reduced, slashed;
• accelerated, created, developed, established, implemented, instituted, performed, pioneered, planned, produced, re-engineered, restructured, saved and transformed.

6. Make your resume inviting to read.
After deciding on what you want to say about yourself, be sure your resume has sufficient white space. The top and bottom margins should be at least a half-inch long, and the left and right margins should measure at least seven-tenths of an inch wide. Insert white space between your section headings, names of employers, job titles and discussions about your experience. Use bold-faced type for section headings, employer names and job titles. If the document lacks eye appeal, few people will review it.
Now, the Don'ts
What you shouldn't do when writing a resume is nearly as important as what you should do.

1. Don't organize your resume by accomplishments.
Listing a string of accomplishments on the first page of your resume presents the same problems for employers as the functional resume format. If you want to showcase your accomplishments, use the introductory summary.

2. Don't use the same words to begin sentences or use the words "I" and "my."
Make your writing fresh and exciting by varying the verbs that begin each statement. Omit "I" and "my" because they can make you seem weak and immature.

3. Avoid clichés.
Don't describe yourself as "dynamic," "people-oriented," "results-oriented" or "self-motivated," or state what a great "out-of-the-box thinker," "hands-on leader" or "visionary" you are. These clichés lack originality and typecast you as a follower instead of a leader.

4. Don't use underlining or italics to add emphasis.
These devices cheapen a resume's appearance. Additionally, some computer scanners can't read underlined or italicized copy.

5. Avoid using a fancy font to gain readers' attention.
Fancy fonts aren't inviting to read, and many people discard resumes that use them. Play it safe by choosing Arial, Garamond, Helvetica, Tahoma or Times Roman.

6. Don't state the reasons for your job changes.
Explaining why you've changed jobs seems defensive or indicates that you think you have a troubled work history.

آخر تعديل بواسطة servant4 ، 02-08-2006 الساعة 08:38 AM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 14-08-2006
Bosy Bosy غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Dec 2004
الإقامة: egypt
المشاركات: 1
Bosy is on a distinguished road
its so nice
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