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It's Fascism
IT'S FASCISM by Atef R Jacoub On Thursday, President Bush said this week's foiled plot to blow up airplanes over the Atlantic is part of a "war with Islamic fascists." Immediately, Muslim activists condemned the president's use of the phrase, with one group declaring it "counterproductive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism." As the newspaper that first put a variant of this term into public circulation in the United States, we'd simply say this: The Muslims who tried to blow up these airplanes are in fact fascists. This might be worrisome to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose raison d'etre is raising the specter of anti-Muslim backlash. But that doesn't make it untrue. Fascism is a chauvinistic political philosophy that exalts a group over the individual ? usually a race or nation, but in this case the adherents of a religion. Fascism also espouses centralized autocratic rule by that group in suppression of others. It usually advocates severe economic and social regimentation and the total or near-total subordination of the individual to the political leadership. This accurately describes the philosophies of Hitler, Mussolini, the leaders of Imperial Japan and other fascistic regimes through history. It also describes Thursday's terrorists. It very accurately describes the philosophy of al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas and many other stripes of Islamism around the world. All the elements are present. The ideology is chauvinistic, regarding non-Muslims as a lesser breed of expendable or contemptible dhimmis and infidels. It favors autocracy and severe social and economic restrictions, as did the Taliban. It demands the total subordination of the individual to the group ? sometimes manifesting in murderously suicidal deaths like the fiery destruction Britain's would-be bombers sought. This is not mainstream Islam, of course. It is a corruption of the faith. The use of the term "Islamic fascism" and its variants is growing, for the simple fact that it reflects the underlying reality of the militants in question. We've been using a close variant of the term since July 20, 2001, when reporter Larry Witham interviewed the German-born Muslim scholar Khalid Duran ? who is sometimes credited with coining the word "Islamofascism" ? in the wake of his mini-Rushdie affair over his book, "An Introduction to Islam for Jews." Mr. Duran told Mr. Witham that Islamism is really "Islamofascism" because it seeks to impose religious orthodoxy on the state and the citizenry. Which is just as true today. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, of course, has had problems with this term and its expositors for some time. Mr. Witham's article quotes CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper as saying that Mr. Duran "is not the right person to write a book about Muslim-Jewish understanding" and "doesn't speak for Muslims." Islamofascism speaks for itself. It is a real phenomenon. That makes some people uncomfortable, but the truth is no less real for it.
حكمة اليوم احنا ليش نستورد المعكرونه من الخارج ممكن نزرعها فى بلادنا العربيه احد الحكام العرب Mind Utter Devastation
bush is the most stupid leader i n history of usa , and he is the main cause of terrorism all over the world
ben laden , zarkawy and zawahry r made by usa muslems r not fascisms , bush will be the looser at the end |
Islam = terrorism
islam never equals terrorism , you r making terrorism by ur actoins and ur words , you r lieing on ur self , be honnest and u will dicover that terrorism =usa + israel+ the person who wrote the last post
USA and Israel never said that they got an order from Gid or that it is their religion commandment to kill innocent people and bomb them.
Hail to Hitler the prophet of Allah Peace be upon him
معجزة محمد الواحدة والوحيدة هى أنه أقنع من البشرالمغفلين مايزيد على مليار ونصف يصلون عليه آناء الليل واطراف النهار ومن المؤكد أنه لن يعترض على كلامي هذا إلا غلماانه نازفى المؤخرات وحورياته كبيرات المقعدات " كن رجلا ولا تتبع خطواتي " حمؤة بن أمونة |
آخر تعديل بواسطة AleXawy ، 22-02-2007 الساعة 08:50 PM |
عدد الأعضاء الذي يتصفحون هذا الموضوع : 1 (0 عضو و 1 ضيف) | |