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قديم 09-02-2004
المشاركات: n/a
Rally in Washington D.C. for Christians who are persecuted

To Whom It May Concern,

For a number of years, I have been following the persecution of Christians in Communist and Islamic Countries.

The media in the West has turned a blind eye to the sufferings of Christians while reporting on atrocities committed against other groups, e.g. the Hutus and the Tutsis, the Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo or people starving in Africa.

I believe that Christians in the West and the US are woefully ignorant of the genocide occuring in Sudan, the imprisonment of Christians in Saudia Arabia, the ethnic cleansing in East Timor, and the harrassment of Copts in Egypt.

I have been discerning whether to try and organize a rally in Washington D.C. sometime in the future.

My plans are very preliminary at this point, and I believe it will take the intercession of the Holy Spirit to bring it about.

The rally would be three-fold. One, highlight, with examples, how Christians are persecuted. Bring together Christians who have suffered at the hands of Communist and Islamic countries to tell their stories. I would want representatives from the major mainline denominations to attend, if interested.

Two, enlighten our Government Officials, e.g. the State Department and Congressmen and Senators that we do not want these groups ignored any longer. I had worked in politics for a few years and came to see that "the squecky wheel does get the grease."

Three, to Proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ. To send a message to our suffering Christian brothers and sisters that they are not forgotten, that our prayers are with them, and we will do whatever we can to help them.

I have spoken to the Iranian Christian International organization and they have stated that they would be interested. I will be doing more networking to see if other groups are interested. Would the Coptic Christians in the US be interested?

Take care and God Bless,

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 10-02-2004
koukikou koukikou غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
المشاركات: 288
koukikou is on a distinguished road
Dear brother, please do not forget the Christians in Pakistan. They are in the worst place possible where their persecution and killing is considered a patriotic act.
Their situation is very bad , the government cannot and would not help them but manages to stifle any kind of reports about the atrocities committed against them
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