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قديم 25-08-2008
الصورة الرمزية لـ Ibrahim Al Copti
Ibrahim Al Copti Ibrahim Al Copti غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 2,143
Ibrahim Al Copti is on a distinguished road
flower Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Parent not hero portrayed in 'Dreams from My Father

[why we care: because the roots of a Muslim parent is going to poison the seed that is running for US presidency
If Obama cares to lie about his father, we care to reveal his lies]

Posted: March 25, 2008
9:18 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

In his autobiographical book "Dreams from My Father," Barack Obama paints a heroic picture of his father as having emerged from a poor Kenyan village, where he was nothing more than a simple goat herder, to become a Harvard-educated economist, destined to return to Africa to fulfill his promise.

Unfortunately, the reality is much bleaker than the tale Obama tells in his book.

In truth, Barack Obama senior, Obama's father, was a polygamist who had already abandoned one wife and child in Africa when he met Obama's mother in Hawaii.

After being educated at Harvard, Obama senior returned to Africa, abandoning Obama and his mother, to live the life of a chronic alcoholic who ultimately killed himself in his second drink-induced car accident, while driving drunk on the streets of Nairobi.

(Story continues below)

The truth about Obama's father was first exposed by London's Daily Mail in a January 2007 exposé whose details remain unchallenged even today, as Obama leads in delegate count in the race for the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential election.

Sharon Churcher, the author of the Daily Mail's 2007 exposé, confirmed to WND today in a telephone interview from London that, as far as she knows, her original report remains accurate.

Rob Crilly, the free-lance journalist in Africa who did much of the on-site first-hand interviews with Obama Senior’s family and acquaintances in Kenya, also confirmed to WND in a telephone interview from Nairobi that he has learned of nothing since 2007 that would contradict the published 2007 Daily Mail story.

Obama begins his 1995 book "Dreams from My Father" with a scene from 1982, when Obama, having just turned 21, was shaken in his New York apartment by a phone call from Africa telling him his father had been killed in a car accident.

The narrative omits that Obama senior killed himself driving drunk.

A few pages later, Obama traces his father's history in Kenya back to the time he herded goats while attending the local "British colonial school."

Obama claims his father showed such "great promise" that he won a scholarship to study in Nairobi and then, "on the eve of Kenyan independence, he had been selected by Kenyan leaders and American sponsors to attend a University in the United States."

Obama proudly tells the reader his father joined "the first large wave of Africans to be sent forth to master Western technology and bring it back to forge a new, modern Africa."

Again, Obama carefully omits the underside of the story, that his father at age 23 headed off to a university education in Hawaii, abandoning the Africa girl named Kezia he had married at age 18.

Nor does Obama mention that Kezia was then pregnant with his father's first son.

Obama magnifies his father's time in Hawaii, claiming he arrived at the University of Hawaii as the institution's first African student who "studied econometrics, worked with unsurpassed concentration, and graduated in three years at the top of his class."

Obama notes his father's friends "were legion, and he helped organize the International Students Association, of which he became the first president."

He omits any mention of his father's continued success with women.

The Daily Mail again presented the underside of the story, reporting Obama senior was a "slick womanizer" who persuaded Obama's mother, a "naïve 18-year-old white girl, to marry him, without disclosing to her that he had left behind in Africa a wife he had not divorced."

Obama presents a Hollywood version of his parents' romance, claiming his father met his mother in a Russian-language course at the university, "an awkward, shy American girl, only 18, and they fell in love."

"The girl's parents, wary at first, were won over by his [Obama senior's] charm and intellect," Obama continues his narrative, "the young couple married, and she bore them a son, to whom he bequeathed his name."

So, Obama junior was born in August 1961.

Two years later, Obama senior won another scholarship, this time to pursue a Ph.D. at Harvard.

Obama explains his father's decision to abandon his mother and him in Hawaii by arguing that the scholarship from Harvard did not include "the money to take his new family with him."

In the next sentence, Obama intentionally skips over several key details.

After noting his father's decision to leave Hawaii for Cambridge, Mass., Obama explains: "A separation occurred, and he returned to Africa to fulfill his promise to the continent. The mother and child stayed behind, but the bond of love survived the distances …"

The ellipsis omits the fact that Obama's mother divorced his father when she discovered "his bigamous double life," the Daily Mail disclosed.

While at Harvard, Obama senior had an affair with yet another woman, an American-born teacher named Ruth, whom he met at Harvard while yet married to Obama's mother and to his also-abandoned wife in Africa.

Obama returned to Kenya and fathered two more children by Kezia.

Somewhere in that period, he also married Ruth, who followed him to Africa from Harvard.

The Daily Mail quotes a relative of Obama as saying, "We told him [Obama] how his father would still go to Kezia and it was during these visits that she became pregnant with two more children. He also had two children with Ruth."

The Daily Mail further reveals that Ruth finally left Obama senior "after he repeatedly flew into whiskey-fueled rages, beating her brutally."

"Friends say drinking blighted his [Obama senior's] life," the Daily Mail reported, "he lost both his legs while driving under the influence and also lost his job."

There ended Obama senior's brilliant civil service career as a top, Harvard-trained econometrician working in the newly independent government of Jomo Kenyatta, on a mission to bring his economically backward country into prosperity.

According to the Daily Mail, even after losing both legs in the car accident, Obama senior fathered yet another son, his eighth child, by yet another woman, and "continued to come home drunk."

Then, on Obama's 21st birthday, Obama senior put an end to the sad drama by killing himself in yet another car crash, once again driving drunk.

The Daily Mail quotes Kenyan writer Philip Ochieng as saying, "He [Obama senior] was excessively fond of Scotch. He had fallen into the habit of going home drunk every night. His boasting proved his undoing and left him without a job, plunged him into prolonged poverty and dangerously wounded his ego."

"He was a menace to life," Ochieng said. "He had many extremely serious accidents. Both his legs had to be amputated. They were replaced with crude false limbs made from iron."

"He was just like Mr. Toad [from the "Wind in the Willows" story]," wrote Ochieng, "very arrogant on the road, especially when he had whisky inside. I was not surprised when I learned how he died."

"Why didn't my father return?" is a question Obama admits in his autobiography has haunted him since the age of five or six.

In the autobiography, readers learn that Obama's Kenyan father was Muslim, only indirectly, when Obama explains to a girlfriend in Hawaii that his name was not "Barry," as he was then commonly called, but "Barack," a name Barack explains means "blessed" in Arabic.

He further explains that the name was his father's, and that "my grandfather was a Muslim."

In 1986, four years after his father's death, Obama went to Africa for the first time, to be confronted with the truth of his father's life and to meet half-brothers and half-sisters he never knew he had.

In Africa for the first time, Obama admits he was told the truth, perhaps for the first time in his life.

He recounts a conversation with Zeituni, his father's sister.

"Zeituni stopped walking and turned to me," Obama wrote in his autobiography. "'After your father went off to live with his American wife, Ruth … well, he would go to Kezia sometimes. You must understand that traditionally she was still his wife. It was during such a visit that Kezia became pregnant with Abo, the brother you haven't met. The thing was, Kezia also lived with another man briefly during this time. So when she became pregnant again, with Bernard, no one was sure who – ' Zeituni stopped, letting the thought finish itself."

While admitting he had learned the truth about his father when visiting Africa for the first time, Obama still sought to see his father as the victim.

Zeituni, for instance, explains that "the problem [with Obama senior] was that his heart was too big."

She also explains that Obama senior was the first to study abroad, the first who had ever ridden in an airplane, and had taken on too large a burden trying to help his family in Africa and to lift Kenya into a modern economic age.

As the Daily Mail concluded, "for all Mr. Obama's reputation for straight talking and the compelling narrative of his recollections, they are largely myth."

"We have discovered that his father was not just a flawed individual, but an abusive bigamist and an egomaniac, whose life was ruined not by racism or corruption, but by his own weakness,” the Daily Mail wrote. "And, devastatingly, the testimony has come from Mr. Obama's own relatives and family friends."

The Daily Mail suggests Obama chose to present his father in a favorable light as an electoral tactic.

"Indeed, by offering up a conveniently plotted account of his personal history in this way," Churcher wrote, "he [Obama] might even have made a pre-emptive strike on those sure to pose the awkward questions that inevitably face a serious contender for the White House."

Regardless of the motives, in "Dreams from my Father" Obama never states precisely how many wives his father had, or how many half-brothers and -sisters he has from different mothers, whether married to his father or not.

Obama blames racism for breaking up his parents' marriage, not his father's polygamist ways which began when he first left Africa, before he ever met Obama's mother in Hawaii.

In the final analysis, Obama embraces the myth, presenting his father as a victim who suffered because, as Zeituni explains in the autobiography, his "heart was too big" – not that he was a bureaucrat of modest achievement who could not overcome a fight with alcohol that ultimately cost him his life.
اَلَّذِي لَمْ يُشْفِقْ عَلَى ابْنِهِ بَلْ بَذَلَهُ لأَجْلِنَا أَجْمَعِينَ كَيْفَ لاَ يَهَبُنَا أَيْضاً مَعَهُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ؟ (رومية 8: 32)

مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح
مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح (2)
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 27-08-2008
Nefertisis Nefertisis غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2008
الإقامة: Jersey City, NJ
المشاركات: 29
Nefertisis is on a distinguished road
flower Re: Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Hello Can I ask something?

Why everybody hates Obama?

I mean, people prefer this white man ( you know who the republican).

I'm not agree the way how people likes to make dirty and nasty a name and reputation of another human being, who cares if his father was drunk , or wherever, ? who cares? I mean is his life,

Father is father and its mean to be; maybe is right what they say about Obama's father; maybe not; but is his father, he has feelings, as another human being, doesn't matter if is Moslam or wherever, or Jew or .... doesn't matter, he is a human being like all of us, he has heart and soul, he has blood too as all we have, so why still bother him for his life; why?

And why all of you care about his personal life? I mean leave him alone; the only one who knows is real history is GOD; and he is the only one who can JUDGE MR. BARACK OBAMA.

So if his background are Moslam, who cares? I mean the WORD ISLAM OR JUDAIMS, mean for all of yours COPTIC people sickness or HIV? common! .

Please stop all of this is very painful, how every day human against human.

Really I'm Coptic too, but I'm tired of all hate , betray and all of this (I'm Egyptian-non-born in Egypt), so can really one day we will finish this stupid war between people, religions and all of that?


Can someone ask why we can not live in peace with ISLAM , JUDAISM? why Does everyone has to be COPTIC in this World?

Does we Copts we alreday start: "COPTISM" ALL what is in front to us NON-COPTIC? .


الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 27-08-2008
الصورة الرمزية لـ Ibrahim Al Copti
Ibrahim Al Copti Ibrahim Al Copti غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 2,143
Ibrahim Al Copti is on a distinguished road
Re: Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Dear Nefertisis

first u really need to work on your English, I do not understand most of what u are saying ...

second you can object whatever u want, but you cannot prevent anybody from revealing the truth

I mean, people prefer this white man ( you know who the republican).
I did not mention anything about his color or his dad's color ... so what is your point?
Father is father and its mean to be; maybe is right what they say about Obama's father; maybe not
it is documented... you can deny it, but what is the point of denying the facts? !!!

So if his background are Moslam, who cares? I mean the WORD ISLAM OR JUDAIMS, mean for all of yours COPTIC people sickness or HIV? common!
I feel the joker was right

after claiming yourself a Coptic
right now you change tune to
yours COPTIC people
Is this a confession that you are not a Coptic ???
secondly, we have to care

believe it or not, Islam is an evil ideology
if you don't believe me
see this website : http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

11730 terrorist attack from 9/11 till 8/27/2008

of course some might say: that is his father not Obama himself !!!
But, why Obama would lie about his father ?
... that is the real question
Unless he is like him.. Mulsim to the bones, practicing Tequia

imagine a pro-Islam U.S. president
a disastrous mistake

If you do not like the subject, just ignore it my dear
and please restrain from using junk words like "Jerks" or "Racists"
You write lousy English, so how can judge the level of education of others

Just cool down and learn some facts

God bless
اَلَّذِي لَمْ يُشْفِقْ عَلَى ابْنِهِ بَلْ بَذَلَهُ لأَجْلِنَا أَجْمَعِينَ كَيْفَ لاَ يَهَبُنَا أَيْضاً مَعَهُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ؟ (رومية 8: 32)

مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح
مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح (2)
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-09-2008
Nefertisis Nefertisis غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2008
الإقامة: Jersey City, NJ
المشاركات: 29
Nefertisis is on a distinguished road
evil Re: Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Mr. Ibrahim:

Look maybe you don't like my writing but I'm not of your group of "EGYPTIAN COPTIC V.I.P, HIGH CLASS" really if you think I'm a ignorant, really i don't care you know why?

Because GOD is with me, and I don't really care about if you or the Joker thinks about me, first I didn't born in Egypt as you knew before; plus I didn't born in USA, so I was born in Europe , and very proud of my roots, special because my main language is the BASQUE, do you know ? well I guess
) you don't know.

I'm from the north of Spain (Basque zone) and we only speak there BASQUE, so maybe my English isn't very proper, but what about all of the Egyptians, when first they came to USA, without even a word of knowledge of English????, , ah but because they have the green passport and they are 100% really Egyptians born belong to the pyramid, its ok, no problem.

You Mr. Ibrahim are THE MOST RACIST EGYPTIAN I HAD NEVER MEET BEFORE IN MY LIFE, and for your information, yes I'm Coptic like you too, I don't denied, but I feel sad our own people makes the life to another people sometimes miserable, with the ridiculous racist and all this stuff.

I'm tired of all what you say about ISLAM and JEWS, can I ask you something? will you be the same if for example a JEW be nominated for a Democratic group? will you think the same as your feelings for Mr. Obama?

Think if you smart, of course all of you COPTIC MAN, are so extra-smart; but sometimes the silly racist like in your case, makes the people's brain blind.

Really between all the people you are so racist, so what for you a truly COPTIC Egyptian is that one who were born under the pyramid or over the Sphinx? ah, but when you see someone non-Egyptian-100% full then you attack with .

Really is to painful, really , but GOD watching people always, I'm sure if our LORD JESUS are here right now in the earth, things change so dramatically.

SO I hope one day you can take away from your heart the racist feeling that you have.

MAY GOD forgive you..
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-09-2008
الصورة الرمزية لـ Ibrahim Al Copti
Ibrahim Al Copti Ibrahim Al Copti غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 2,143
Ibrahim Al Copti is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: Revealed: Obama's dad polygamist, alcoholic

Dear Nefertisis

Look maybe you don't like my writing but I'm not of your group of "EGYPTIAN COPTIC V.I.P, HIGH CLASS" really if you think I'm a ignorant, really i don't care you know why?

Because GOD is with me, and I don't really care about if you or the Joker thinks about me, first I didn't born in Egypt as you knew before; plus I didn't born in USA, so I was born in Europe , and very proud of my roots, special because my main language is the BASQUE, do you know ? well I guess
) you don't know.
We welcome every Copt
Sorry if I offended U
I was really getting hard time to answer U
Sorry again

God bless U and forgive U

My only concern is: How you came up with a conclusion that I am a racist
Is Islam a Race ?

own people makes the life to another people sometimes miserable, with the ridiculous racist and all this stuff.
I don't think that my posts made Obama miserable

That would be an overestimation of my abilities

I'm tired of all what you say about ISLAM and JEWS, can I ask you something? will you be the same if for example a JEW be nominated for a Democratic group? will you think the same as your feelings for Mr. Obama?
That is really weird
Where ad when ever I spoke about the Jews

Anyway, my only concern as I said in a previous post is you cannot have a pro-Islam US president
While the global terrorism happens to be Islamic in nature
He will be soft-handed, biased and improperly fighting the war on terror

COPTIC Egyptian is that one who were born under the pyramid or over the Sphinx? ah, but when you see someone non-Egyptian-100% full then you attack with
What the pyramids or Sphinx has to do with anything ???

and once more, I am not attacking u or your race (I did not even know where U were born till today )
I am just debating your false ideas and misconceptions

sure if our LORD JESUS are here right now in the earth, things change so dramatically.
Sure they will change

God bless
اَلَّذِي لَمْ يُشْفِقْ عَلَى ابْنِهِ بَلْ بَذَلَهُ لأَجْلِنَا أَجْمَعِينَ كَيْفَ لاَ يَهَبُنَا أَيْضاً مَعَهُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ؟ (رومية 8: 32)

مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح
مسيحيو الشرق لأجل المسيح (2)
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