تم صيانة المنتدي*** لا تغير فى سياسه من سياسات المنتدى اكتب ما تريد لان هذا حقك فى الكتابه عبر عن نفسك هذه ارائك الشخصيه ونحن هنا لاظهارها
جارى تحميل صندوق البحث لمنتدى الاقباط

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المنتدى العام يهتم هذا القسم بالأخبار العامه

المشاركة في الموضوع
خيارات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 30-01-2005
fayoumy fayoumy غير متصل
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وأسلوب (سيبونى عليه وأنا أطلع دين أمه).

ضحكت لما قريت هذه الصوره التعبيريه...
انما الكلام سليم جدا...مع احترام المشاعر الفياضه والحزن القاهر فانه لابد من استعمال الاسلوب المنطقي في معامله هذا الموقف المؤلم

وبالمناسبه...ايه اخبار التجمع اللي كان يوم السبت ؟
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 01-02-2005
yaweeka yaweeka غير متصل
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التجمع كان محور تغيير استيراتيجية التعامل مع الجريمة كما قال الادمن وقامت بعض الجرائد وقنوات التليفزيون بتغطية الحدث، وشكرا للتوجيهات التى صدرت للجميع بتغيير اسلوب الكلام والحديث عن الجريمة كعمل ارهابى على ارض امريكية ، والامتثال لسياسة جديدة وضعها العقلاء للتعامل مع الجريمة البشعة
وقد بدأ الأقباط فى استعادة زمام المبادرة مرة أخرى وبدأت العديد من الجرائد تتحدث عن الجريمة مرة أخرى مما وضع عبئا إعلاميا على وكيل النيابة فى المقاطعة للتراجع عن تصريحات قد أدلى بها سابقا
وقد شهدت الايام الاخيرة نشاطا قبطيا ملحوظا على مدار الساعة ولأول مرة تم تكوين مجموعات عمل مثل مجموعات اعلامية وقانونية وطبية و ومستشارين علاقات عامة ومجموعات دينية تشرح للاعلاميين تاريخ الكنيسة القبطية والاقباط والظلم الواقع عليهم

من اراد الادلاء بأية معلومات او يمتلك اية معلومات عن المواقع الاسلامية التى وضعت صورا لمسيحيين من قبل وقامت بتهديدهم ( مثل موقع برسوميات) او يرى فى نفسه القدرة على المساعدة بأية وسيلة عليه بالاتصال ب
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 01-02-2005
الصورة الرمزية لـ zoum
zoum zoum غير متصل
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المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة yaweeka
من اراد الادلاء بأية معلومات او يمتلك اية معلومات عن المواقع الاسلامية التى وضعت صورا لمسيحيين من قبل وقامت بتهديدهم ( مثل موقع برسوميات) او يرى فى نفسه القدرة على المساعدة بأية وسيلة عليه بالاتصال ب
انا قرات عن موقع برسوميات وتهديداته في الاخبار بالانجليزي وحاولت ادخل عليه وجدت السيرفر لا يعمل لا اعلم من الجائز ان الاف بي اي هجم عليه دمره
كمان الخبر كان بيقول ان منير داود رئيس الهيئة القبطية الامريكية 000لا اعلم كيف م انه علي حد علمي ان واحد اسمه ميلاد اسكندر هو الرئيس
علي العموم اخيرا سمعنا خبر حلو ان فيه مجموعات عمل واستخدام الموضوع للحديث عن القضية القبطية

شكرا علي رسالتك يا ويكا
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 01-02-2005
الصورة الرمزية لـ Pharo Of Egypt
Pharo Of Egypt Pharo Of Egypt غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
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Pharo Of Egypt is on a distinguished road
Barsomyat.com Wrap-Up
Yesterday I posted an article that I wrote for the New York Sun about a radical Islamic website, www.barsomyat.com. The website featured pictures and information about Christians who were particularly active in debating against Muslims on the internet chat service PalTalk. Barsomyat also included a number of explicit threats to the people it targeted.

A number of prominent blogs, including Michelle Malkin and Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch, picked up the story early in the day. Jihad Watch readers organized a campaign to e-mail the web hosting company to which barsomyat.com was registered, Minnesota-based VizaWeb Inc. As I suspected, it seems that VizaWeb was unaware of what was going on over at Barsomyat, and the radical website was shut down before 1:00 p.m. One of the owners of VizaWeb, Rick Mueller, stated, "We started hearing about this [Monday]. We took the site off-line as we look into the content. If what we are hearing is true, we will not put it back up. . . . We obviously do not support its content." It seems that Internet Haganah played a key role in getting the website pulled.

Today, NorthJersey.com reports that the FBI is investigating barsomyat.com. FBI spokesman John Conway stated, "We are aware of that site, and we are looking at it. It's an interesting site to say the least." Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio chimed in with a relevant point in terms of possible connections between barsomyat.com and the Armanious murders. He stated that the key factor is determining when information about the Armanious family was posted: "If it was posted after the homicide, that makes the whole issue somewhat moot. But if it was posted prior to the homicide it would give it some more credence."

Several Muslim leaders in New Jersey denounced barsomyat.com when they were told about it. Mohamed El Filali, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Passaic County, stated, "It is very sick. Nobody should be harmed because of a person's opinion."

Getting barsomyat.com pulled is a victory. After all, some people who were apparently targeted by barsomyat.com have in the past attempted to close the site. However, very little would prevent the extremists who ran barsomyat.com from reconstituting it -- perhaps based in a country where the authorities are more enthusiastic about the extension of Islamic notions of blasphemy and apostasy laws into the West, and are unsympathetic to the idea that Christians' rights are being trampled upon. We must remain vigilant to attempts to use brute force and intimidation to trample upon free speech and free debate over religion.

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 02-02-2005
Bohira Bohira غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2005
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By Michelle Malkin

January 31, 2005 10:57 AM
The latest developments in the Armanious murder case...

* From the N.Y. Sun, we learn that a radical Islamist website has been tracking Christians on the online chat forum, Paltalk--which was frequented by Hossam Armanious:

The password protected Arabic Web site, at the address www.barsomyat.com, features pictures and information about Christians who have been particularly active in debating Muslims on PalTalk.
One page from barsomyat.com features a group of photographs of a Syrian Christian, "Joseph," who now lives in Canada. Barsomyat.com's users have posted personal information about Joseph, including his brother's parole status, and make clear that they are actively trying to track down his current address...

If the Armanious family did in fact receive a death threat related to their proselytizing on Pal Talk, what are the implications for our free society? If the murders were indeed, as many Copts suspect, a warning to them not to proselytize among Muslims, what does that mean for the free exchange of ideas that has always been one of the central values -- perhaps the central value -- of the American polity

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 02-02-2005
Bohira Bohira غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Jan 2005
المشاركات: 209
Bohira is on a distinguished road

FBI looks at radical Islam site in family massacre

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
By Maria Zingaro Conte
Journal staff writers

The site, barsomyat.com, monitored an Internet chat room at PalTalk.com where Christians and Muslims, including the father in the murdered family, often participated in angry discussions about religion.

The information given for one Christian PalTalk user included both his online user name, his real name and his home city. Launched in 1998,
PalTalk is one of the top chat room portals on the Internet, with more than 3.1 million users.
More recently, a posting on barsomyat.com called Hossam Armanious a "dirty dog" and "curser of Muhammad," and called Garas "his filthy wife," according to a published report, which also quoted the posting as saying "they got what they deserved for their actions in America."'
FBI special agent John Conway confirmed that barsomyat.com was being investigated for possible connections to the killings but could give few details about the status of the investigation, citing its ongoing status.
Conway said that while religious hatred is being considered as a possible motive, many other motives are also being investigated, including robbery.

Hossam Armanious, who regularly posted on the PalTalk site under the user name "I Love Jesus."
Hossam Armanious had received death threats two months before the murders warning him to stop posting on PalTalk.
If Hossam Armanious did receive a threat on the Internet, he did not voice concern to family members in the days before the grisly crime, said Ehmad Fahmy, a relative. Since threats are common on PalTalk religious sites, he added, Armanious may have dismissed it.
"The FBI is already involved in the investigation, as we know and as the American Coptic Association knows, and certainly if the FBI personnel who are working on the case think it's appropriate for any specialized unit to become involved, we will abide by that decision."
DeFazio also noted that the bodies of the victims were not mutilated, religious items in their home were not desecrated and that no religious messages were left by the killers.
Investigators are also quick to note that it is still unclear whether the reference to Hossam Armanious and Garas on barsomyat.com were posted before or after the killings.
"The timeline is an important factor," DeFazio said, noting that if the information appeared there after the murders, it probably was not connected to the crime
Barsomyat.com is administered by VizaWeb, a hosting company based in Woodbury, Minn., but the site is registered to a single individual. Authorities have not been able to contact the man, whose name has not been released but who lives in Jordan, DeFazio said.
The FBI declined to comment on whether VizaWeb was cooperating with authorities in the investigation, and several telephone numbers listed for VizaWeb on the company's Web site were not working yesterday. Barsomyat.com is currently disabled.
A computer taken from the home of the victims is also being searched by FBI forensics experts.
DeFazio said that although PalTalk administrators have said it is not possible for hackers to obtain personal information about the people who post in their chat rooms, authorities are investigating whether the site can be hacked into.
They are also checking the victims' computer for signs that it had been hacked, but so far no evidence of that has been found, the prosecutor said.
According to Rebecca Wright, an associate professor of computer science at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, any chat room could be susceptible to hackers.
"With any system that's attempting to provide some type of security, there are many levels at which the security could be compromised," she said.
Hackers could easily access the information if it is unenpted, she said, or it could be obtained by people who gained physical access to the computers that store identifying information, and it is even easier to use trickery to fool system administrators into releasing personal information about chat room posters.
It would also have been possible for someone to hack into the computer being used by Armanious if he had unknowingly downloaded spyware onto his computer, Wright said.
"It's a combination of technology and fooling people into doing things," she noted. "But from them looking at the chat room to teleport the wire, that's probably not doable without some kind of further action on the user's part."
Investigators may not be able to trace the threat if it was not recorded, said Columbia University professor Steven Bellovin, a computer security expert.

Armanious family was among the top five most popular on PalTalk.
The chat room creator said he launched the "Coptic Family Murder: Who Did It?" room on Jan. 17 - four days after the bodies were found.
For about a week afterward, it was among the five most visited rooms among the more than 2,500 on PalTalk.
"This room is started by me and I started it because of what happened in Jersey and you are welcome to come here to my room and talk about whatever you like," said the administrator, who goes by the handle "Mossad Agent."
The room also enables users to speak to one another using microphones.
The chat room dedicated to the slain family is rife with vitriol and insults, usually directed at Islam, by room regulars.
Chatters with vile nicknames such as Coptic Slayer also barge into the room and are quickly bounced.
The room is also regularly visited by chatters using foul language, interpreted by administrators as an attempt to have PalTalk close the room, which has a G rating.
On the other hand, hatred directed at Islam was common and seemingly welcome.
"Moslem never drink water just blood to live," read one posting.
The company that runs PalTalk condemned any hate speech.
"PalTalk does not condone the use of any unlawful, threatening, abusive, profane, offensive, defamatory, or hateful text or voice communication or images or the espousal of any racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material," the company said in a statement.
Most chat room posters say they believe the Armanious family was killed for religious reasons, but there is the occasional caution against jumping to conclusions.
"If it turns out to be a religiously motivated killing then that's one thing," one person wrote. "But if it isn't, we are going to look really stupid here."


آخر تعديل بواسطة Bohira ، 02-02-2005 الساعة 07:44 PM
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قديم 03-02-2005
yaweeka yaweeka غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
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When fear changes everything
Bob Braun

Fear. This is no way to live.

Parents bring their children to see Dr. Monir Dawoud at his office, tell him the kids are too frightened to sleep in their bedrooms. "What should they do?" they ask.

Rafat Toss, once a prosecutor himself, now a commercial litigator, comes home to Jersey City at night and checks his closets. "I've never done that before."

Angad Zakhary, who buys and sells real estate, says he looks out his window every five minutes. "I want to know whether anyone is out there."

Another guy, Samir Assaad, a computer engineer, looks at me and he asks, "How do I know who you really are?"

Fear. It has its own life. Spawned by the vicious killings of a family of four -- bad enough, horrible enough -- but fed by rumors and by history and by memories so that it infects so many more. Part of the air they breathe now in Jersey City.

"This is easy for me to say," says Edward DeFazio, the Hudson County prosecutor, "but people should just be calm and patient.

"This looks like a unique incident. Nothing like has ever happened before, here, anywhere in the United States. You got to work by history, and there's no history of this and so there's no reason to believe it fits any sort of pattern or will happen again."

Fear. It's real, and should not be ignored.

Or exaggerated.

The problem is: The crime was so awful, so vicious. A young, poor, immigrant family -- Hossam Armanious, 47, his wife, Amal Garas, 37, and their two children, Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8. They were bound and gagged and stabbed repeatedly.

The problem is -- a context and a history. They are Egyptian Copts. Christians, a minority that has lived uneasily for centuries with Muslims in their home country where there has been sectarian violence.
"Many of us escaped from Egypt to live here where we could live in peace," says Dawoud. "Where we could live without fear."

"Now it's like a curse following us wherever we live," says Assaad.

That's not the only context, not the only history. The word "terrorism" comes up in conversation. This is not a part of the country accustomed to religious violence, but it is a place where the word has its own negative cachet.

"Of course, this is terrorism," says Dawoud. "An act designed to create fear."

But why would terrorists attack a waiter and his postal employee wife and two young daughters who live in a nonde****** little house in Jersey City?

"If you don't feel safe in your home, then Bin Laden has won," says Dawoud.

And the Copts of Jersey City would feel less isolated, less alone, less besieged, if the rest of us saw what happened in the context of a word we all fear. They're afraid this will be written off as an obscure feud between sects from one country -- and forgotten.

Dawoud also wants Copts to have the right to keep registered guns in their homes for self-defense. DeFazio is quick to respond-- "There is no way we're distributing gun permits on the basis of religion. That's just not going to happen."

The problem is -- distrust. A sense that investigators might be afraid, for whatever reason, to tell the truth, that the truth would create complicated political problems.

"What I fear more now is a whitewash," says Toss, the attorney. "We're not sure the authorities will come out and tell us the truth. But we need to know it, no matter what it is. We need to know it so the fear stops."

DeFazio bristles a little at the suggestion. "Look, if this is religious, we're not going to hide it. We're going to say it. Right now, we don't know that it is."

Yes, another problem -- the paucity of facts in a boiling ocean of rumor and speculation and, yes, of course, fear. Among Jersey City Copts, the killings are a matter of constant conversation, but what can be said that is new when so little is known?

Some publications -- not this one, DeFazio quickly points out -- have printed rumors. They can be denied but they live on, nurtured by fear. In coffee shops, in private homes, what starts out as a maybe ends up three conversations later as sworn fact.

"The prosecutor's office has to be more open and more forthcoming," says Toss. "We have to know the facts that they know."

But facts to grab in a storm of fear bestow power and legitimacy on those who own them. Dawoud, for example, head of the American Coptic Association, talks with authority about the condition of the bodies. As if the surgeon knew, as if he saw them.

But did he? "I cannot say," he says.

No, I'm afraid that's not good enough. If he knows, he should say.

Fear. It's not going away.

"Let's assume this wasn't a religious crime," says Toss. "Let's assume it was a burglary. Had nothing to do with religion. Well, that's scary enough. Who kills four people in the middle of a burglary? And why wouldn't they break into someone else's house? My house? Your house?"


No way to live.

آخر تعديل بواسطة yaweeka ، 03-02-2005 الساعة 02:53 PM
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قديم 03-02-2005
yaweeka yaweeka غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
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لاحظوا تغيير موقف وكيل النيابة، نتيجة للضغوط الاعلامية اضطر الى تغيير أقواله بأن الدافع هو السرقة وبدأ التركيز على الارهاب الاسلامى

FBI Looking into Islamic Web Site for Leads to Jersey Slayings

FBI is trying to determine whether an Islamic Web site that tracked users of an online chat room played a role in the killings

Three weeks after a Coptic Christian family of four was slain in New Jersey’s second-largest city, the FBI is trying to determine whether an Islamic Web site that tracked users of an online chat room played a role in the killings, news agencies reported Tuesday

The site in question, barsomyat.com, is no longer online. However, according to the Associated Press, before it was shut down by its Minnesota hosting company, the site reportedly featured photos of Hossam Armanious and his wife, Amal Garas—who, along with their daughters, Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8, were found bound and gagged on Jan. 14, their throats and heads stabbed repeatedly. According to a report published Monday by the New York Sun, the site referred to the couple as a "filthy dog" and "his filthy wife."

AP reported that Armanious was an active participant in the PalTalk.com instant messaging service, in which he discussed religion with Christians and Muslims. Friends and family members have said the discussions frequently grew heated, and that Armanious received death threats because of his postings under the user name "I Love Jesus."

"We do know there is a site that monitors people on PalTalk, but that shouldn't come as a shock," said John Conway, a spokesman for the FBI's Newark office. "That's being investigated. As far as bringing us closer to the motive behind the murders, we're still not there yet. It's still very open."

In its report on Monday, the New York Sun quoted one barsomyat.com member writing on the Web site, "This is a picture of the filthy dog, curser of Muhammad, and a photo of his filthy wife, curser of Muhammad. They got what they deserved for their actions in America."

After the discovery of the website, Dr. Monir A. Dawoud, Acting President of the American Coptic Association, said, “The discovery of a web site where Christians had their identities revealed, and were targeted for voicing their religious beliefs makes us, as Christians, feel for our safety, and contributes to the speculation that this was a hate crime.”

Dawoud urged officials investigating the Jersey City murders to call in the hate crime unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Adding the FBI Hate Crimes Unit to the investigation would make us feel that nothing was being overlooked,” said Dawoud.

While Conway said the FBI does not have a hate crimes unit per se, it does have a unit that investigates civil rights violations. He said FBI agents have been working with county and local authorities since the killings were discovered.

The Hudson County prosecutor's office said several potential motives for the slayings are being investigated, including religious animosity. Robbery appears to be a potential motive as well, said Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio, who noted that money was taken from the home and the victims.

However, DeFazio did say last week that the grisly slayings of the family of four appeared not to have to stemmed from a simple robbery—which authorities had stressed as being a possible motive.

"Certainly, based on the viciousness of the attacks, we think there's more than taking the money that was in the apartment," DeFazio had said.

In his statement yesterday, Dawoud stated that "We have faith in the American system of justice, but the initial conflicting reports and the lack of progress have caused fear to overtake our community."

"Children are afraid to sleep alone. People are installing double locks on their doors, bars on their windows and sophisticated alarm systems." the ACA head reported.

According to the ACA, five law enforcement agencies have been investigating this case—The Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, The Jersey City Police, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Immigration and Naturalization Service, and The Federal Office of Immigration and Customs. The lead on the case is the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office.

Kenneth Chan
kenneth@christianpost.com Copyright © 2004 The Christian Post.
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 03-02-2005
iwcab iwcab غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
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كنت فاكر إن موقع برسوميات إتقفل يمكن من سنة ، وكنت مستغرب عن سبب قفله
لكن دلوقتى بيقولوا إنه كان شغال لبعد حدوث الجريمة
طيب مين قفله ؟ وكان لازم اللى قفله يتحفظ على محتوياته
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-02-2005
yaweeka yaweeka غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
الإقامة: USA
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yaweeka is on a distinguished road
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة iwcab
كنت فاكر إن موقع برسوميات إتقفل يمكن من سنة ، وكنت مستغرب عن سبب قفله
لكن دلوقتى بيقولوا إنه كان شغال لبعد حدوث الجريمة
طيب مين قفله ؟ وكان لازم اللى قفله يتحفظ على محتوياته
مين قفله؟
ال FBI وشركة ال hosting
محتوياته ؟ موجودة كلها

بس خلاص
مين يعرف مواقع مشابهة يا ناس يكونوا وضعوا تهديدات للأقباط او للمسيحيين العرب؟
مش عايزين تساعدونا لييييييييييييييييييه؟

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-02-2005
iwcab iwcab غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2003
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iwcab is on a distinguished road
قالوا فى الأول إن أرمانيوس نشط فى البالتوك وإنه أدمن ، وبعدين غرفة الشرق الأوسط فى الموقع بتاعها قالوا إنه غير نشط عندهم وإنه مش أدمن ، وبعدين بيقولوا إنه كان بيشتغل من المسنجر بتاع بالتوك
وقالوا إن السبب إنه عمد واحدة أصغر من 20 سنة ، وقالوا إن بنته عندها نشاط مع السود فى أمريكا
وقالوا إنه راح أمريكا لجوء من إضطهاد دينى ، وإنه كان بيترجم للشيخ عمر عبد الرحمن أثناء التحقيق معاه فى أمريكا ، وده يعنى إنه معروف عند المسلمين فى أمريكا
فالمواضيع كده بقت مفتحة فى 100 إتجاه
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-02-2005
المشاركات: n/a
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة iwcab
قالوا فى الأول إن أرمانيوس نشط فى البالتوك وإنه أدمن ، وبعدين غرفة الشرق الأوسط فى الموقع بتاعها قالوا إنه غير نشط عندهم وإنه مش أدمن ، وبعدين بيقولوا إنه كان بيشتغل من المسنجر بتاع بالتوك
وقالوا إن السبب إنه عمد واحدة أصغر من 20 سنة ، وقالوا إن بنته عندها نشاط مع السود فى أمريكا
وقالوا إنه راح أمريكا لجوء من إضطهاد دينى ، وإنه كان بيترجم للشيخ عمر عبد الرحمن أثناء التحقيق معاه فى أمريكا ، وده يعنى إنه معروف عند المسلمين فى أمريكا
فالمواضيع كده بقت مفتحة فى 100 إتجاه

كل هذه المعلومات غير دقيقة
لم يكن ادمن فى البالتاك
لم يكن له أو لإبنته أى نشاط تبشيرى
لم يترجم لمحامية عمر عبد الرحمن ، بل قريب له هو من فعل ذلك ولم تكن انجليزية المرحوم حسام جيدة بما فيه الكفاية لتسمح له ان يقوم بالعمل كمترجم

لم يحصل على الهجرة عن طريق اللجوء بل عن طريق عائلة زوجته

آخر تعديل بواسطة admin1 ، 04-02-2005 الساعة 12:28 PM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-02-2005
الصورة الرمزية لـ knowjesus_knowlove
knowjesus_knowlove knowjesus_knowlove غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
الإقامة: On the top of ISLAM
المشاركات: 9,078
knowjesus_knowlove is on a distinguished road
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة yaweeka

مين يعرف مواقع مشابهة يا ناس يكونوا وضعوا تهديدات للأقباط او للمسيحيين العرب؟
مش عايزين تساعدونا لييييييييييييييييييه؟

بالإضافة إلى التهديدات التى وصلت لمستخدمى البالتوك... أعتقد أنه من الأفضل أيضا عمل قائمة بالمواقع التى تهدد المسيحيين بالقتل لتعبيرهم عن أرائهم ضد الإسلام ..
لإثبات أن القتل هو عقاب كل من يتحدث عن الإسلام سواء على البالتوك أو غيره...

أهدار رجال دين في الاردن دم (الكاــبه) نجوى كرم على خلفية حديث بث في احدى الفضائية قالت فيه انها أسمت كــلبها باسم(محمد).

أنا مثلا وصلتنى رسائل بالشتائم... لم تصل إلى حد التهديد بالقتل بعد ...

معجزة محمد الواحدة والوحيدة هى أنه أقنع من البشرالمغفلين مايزيد على مليار ونصف يصلون عليه آناء الليل واطراف النهار

ومن المؤكد أنه لن يعترض على كلامي هذا إلا غلماانه نازفى المؤخرات وحورياته كبيرات المقعدات

" كن رجلا ولا تتبع خطواتي "
حمؤة بن أمونة

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 04-02-2005
الصورة الرمزية لـ Pharo Of Egypt
Pharo Of Egypt Pharo Of Egypt غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
الإقامة: USA
المشاركات: 2,497
Pharo Of Egypt is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة yaweeka
مين يعرف مواقع مشابهة يا ناس يكونوا وضعوا تهديدات للأقباط او للمسيحيين العرب؟
مش عايزين تساعدونا لييييييييييييييييييه؟

Make a copy of these sites before they take'em off line

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 06-02-2005
fayoumy fayoumy غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
المشاركات: 278
fayoumy is on a distinguished road
مره اخرى رجع الصمت المطبق حول هذه الجريمه البشعه...ايه الرأى فى اعلان فى الصحف لتذكره الناس بالجائزه المعروضه ؟...
الرد مع إقتباس
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