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قديم 31-03-2010
Alfred Samuel Alfred Samuel غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Dec 2005
المشاركات: 45
Alfred Samuel is on a distinguished road
puzzl Are you happy with this barbarism?

By Pastor Alfred Samuel*
Friday, March 19th, 2010 04:46

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Egypt, who is acting president asking God to heal him and be returned to us safe

Are you happy with this barbarism that occurred in the application of your decision to expropriate private property and land owned by the Evangelical Church in Luxor for rams road?

I know that there have been several contacts with you and the various sectors of the State, but discussions and meetings concerning this matter did not meet the church’s situation. The demands of the church – Pastor, council and the church people - are fair: it is not against development; only what they want to apply is like any other departments, apartments, or associations, or the legitimacy of a mosque is applied to the compensation. It happened with inhumane treatment.

The last meeting with the pastor Rev. Mahrous Karam Aziz, was at the day before the campaign of barbarism and it did not finalize the matter. And everyone was engaged in normal life on Thursday, March 18, 2010. All the equipment for the demolition came at nine in the morning along with the trainees to acts of violence and terrorism to abandon the place and pulled down within few hours. They were more than one category of the province (Governorate of Luxor) and district, and state security, army and police and others. They were protected by military force from the central security soldiers and police. They were ready to fight a battle and achieve victory for Egypt. The first enemies are pre-school children (20 boys and girls) and with their supervisors, two young ladies teachers and a nanny lady. The second enemy was Rev. Mahrous Karam Aziz and his wife, Mrs. Sabah Nady Hanna and totally innocent child, who was on her shoulder.

What was the only force Egypt to prevent unguarded Pastor Mahrous Interceptor and pull him and prevent him from talking and divert him to the ground. They drawn him down pulling him away five times on the ground, beaten and dragged away from the scene of the pure battle; for the demolition of walls, buildings and the acquisition of premises for the church building and other services and added to them on the scene – all of that happened without written warning - Evangelical school which was not in the plan or in the talks, which is already not in the way of rams, they demolished it as well. Also all of that happened without:
1. indemnity
2. atonement
3. reparation
4. recompense
5. amends
6. indemnification
7. restitution
8. quid pro quo
9. remuneration
10. repayment
Mr. President,

It's already in the war anything is possible, available and permissible, and do not mind that the de facto leader on the battlefield to do anything to reach victory. And we come to the nursery school children who have been there at seven in the morning, holding in panic and terror and be thrown out of their building a baby boy after the other and a baby girl after the other without taking into account their age. I assure you that you make children a new uprising like the one created – as you said - by Israel in occupied Palestine. Is your government an occupation government? If they do not and this is what you are going to say of course; not; so please prove it, punish those responsible for this scandal and the large defect in your right and the right of Egypt's great and beloved country.

It did not end at this point; where sneaking brave soldiers and officers to the apartment of the sponsor to meet the rest of the enemies they are the sponsor's wife of the pastor Mrs. Sabah Nady Hanna and her child, on her shoulder – she was the third powerful enemy -, she was frightened for her child because she was threatened, if not come down from their housing government people will take him away and put him under the bulldozers. All her crime was to ask what her husband asked before regarding such removals; and what to do about furniture’s, households and all what are inside their apartment. Why they did not tell them the date of removal to be able to transport a normal and natural way appropriate to the generous people of Egypt, you have said constantly, Mr. President that you're acting is for them and for their dignity. This has been hit. As your people hit this lady like they did for her husband and dragged her on the stairs holding her chest. They grabbed her and violently from sensitive areas of her body; Is this ok; Is this the dignity of the Egyptian nobility?. Are these men your government? Where are politeness and ethics? Wife in her humiliation in the house and the church behind her husband and the people of her church and her husband insulted at the same time in the land of the Church and the people behind the Luxor who loves the Church and the pastor and respected and respects his family.

Mr. President, your instructions that are as you said more than once, the alternative measure appropriate and decent for any expropriation; is not happened in this matter!!

Your instructions Mr. President are, as we know respect for the cleric and to be treated in good faith; and taking into account the land and dignity (the most expensive possessions of the Egyptians); are not happened in this matter!!

Are you happy with this way the brutal terrorist attack in the implementation of the decision without expropriation procedures happened with other smaller flats, and a smaller pieces of land in Luxor?

Are you happy with what happened to the school, which added to the demolition plan? The School – I repeat - was not on the road of the rams. And the school was not in talks with the Evangelical Church at any level the level of local leadership (represented in the Evangelical Church in Luxor) and has not been in the talks at the leadership level in Cairo (represented in the community head or Nile Synod of the Evangelical Church of Egypt).

Mr. President,
What do think am I talking about?

I am talking about a history that destroyed.

I am talking about a heritage that injured

I am talking about the dignity that was being slighted

I am talking about a tradition that had deteriorated

I am talking about the barbarity of the government sectors staff in Luxor

This is barbaric, like what happened with the pigs that had been buried alive and killed inhumanly with chemicals. Everyone has declared their disagreement on this matter and was headed by the late Sheikh Al-Azhar Dr. Tantawi. Pigs were innocent and free of the virus, which originally do not get sick with the flu, had been executed in record time; where your army is ready and ready to continue such noble tasks against the enemy infidels –the Christians of Egypt.

Further information on the net where it was all over the world this is a view of the church ministry building was demolished and the fence where all movable stack rundown apartments and all the doors and windows, household appliances, beds and cupboards at all, fans and washes and cookers and mattresses and other purposes of the church building for services and school; all piled in the church so that Christian worshipers( enemies of your staff) can pray freely in an area of expanding the church all of this. And thus your army and armed government staff overwhelming achieved and won victory. Is this OK with you? Can you see my tears? They wanted time to store purposes in the school until the completing of the procedure of the matter. They told your staff about that. Is that why your people demolished the school? But because of this intention of the Church; let us make it more difficult for them and destroy them and the school all in all; we are in force we are on the top and people cannot speak or dare to speak they are only trampled underfoot and this is what happened; your men stepped foot on all of us and not only on Rev. Mahrous, Pastor, on his wife, or not only our church in Luxor, but on all the people of Egypt, on the rights and the dignity rights of you and our beloved country of Egypt. Are you happy they did it? Are you happy with this barbarism?

People were able to access the church compound after 1:30 pm after the military operation was successful and the disappearance of gallant army. They began picturing and the whole world knows what is happening. Your staff has forgotten the age of the internet. Your men forgot that Luxor has especial effects of our third world country income. They forgot that tourists are passing on the church each day. We have to expose your men to Egypt and the world. We complain to you your men; will you give us our rights fairly? The people complained Luxor staff to the world because they felt that dignifying for the government to complain to the government!

Are you happy with this barbaric method in the application of decisions with your peaceful people; the people of Egypt the Evangelical people? This method has insulted all of the Egyptian people in general; and insulted and humiliated the entire Christian people in particular.

Are you happy with insulting 750000 Seven hundred and fifty thousand of the Egyptian National Evangelicals? The Church, the National Evangelical Church of Egypt is serving in Egypt since 1850. It is the first organization who started the education of girls and translation of the Bible to Arabic language and started the first worship in Arabic in its churches and was the first church to conduct (advocacy) the first of Ramadan breakfast – in the time of Rev. Dr. Samuel Habib, the former head of the Evangelical (Protestant) Community.

I know you that you are not happy with your people to do so. And they will say to you that nothing of this happened. And they will tell us bring your evidence; Do you have witnesses?.
Mr. President, they had sealed off streets leading to the church from all directions surrounding the church; so there are no witnesses. Your men are very smart in hurting people and run away from it. They are great in their way of harsh military policing, especially when it comes to Christians! I say so and feel remorse and shame for what Egypt reached to, which were not well at all. The Wahhabi of Saudi and Salafi of Fundamental fanatic way of Islamic thinking went deep in hearts and minds of your men, not only in most of your people.
Mr. President. Are you happy they do so?

We know you do not accept that; so please do something punish the savage who went on this way, who insulted the Evangelical Church in Luxor, and pastor and his family and the council and its people and youth and children and even insulted all evangelicals and Egyptian Society and even your decisions. Please carry out your decisions for fair compensation and in decent human way to apply them to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Luxor, as applied to other Egyptians in Luxor.
*Rev. Alfred is Pastor of Evangelical Church at Suez, Egypt
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