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قديم 26-02-2007
AleXawy AleXawy غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
الإقامة: AleXanDria
المشاركات: 5,848
AleXawy is on a distinguished road
Did Jesus say " i'm the God " ??


i want to ask aquestion and wantin the answer

Did Jesus say " i'm the God " ??

الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 01-03-2007
mosa1 mosa1 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jul 2006
المشاركات: 8
mosa1 is on a distinguished road
good questian

It's good question and we need answer from christians
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 13-03-2007
servant4 servant4 غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 167
servant4 is on a distinguished road
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة AleXawy مشاهدة مشاركة

i want to ask aquestion and wantin the answer

Did Jesus say " i'm the God " ??

I wish you can read the answer here
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 17-03-2007
الصورة الرمزية لـ sce37
sce37 sce37 غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2003
الإقامة: EGYPT
المشاركات: 1,318
sce37 is on a distinguished road
هل يشوع المولود ف بيت لخم هو الأله الحق؟
و أذا كان الأله كما أدعي أنا - فلماذا صار ف شكل أنسان ؟

هذا هو محور موضوع المسيح و المؤمنين بألوهيته - هؤلاء الذين أنتشروا عل وجه الأرض ليشكلوا سحابة من جسد واحد - و أيمان واحد - - -

أيمان أتحد فيه السماءيين بالأرضيين - - -

و صير السمائيين أرضيين - و تجاسر الأرضيين أن يصيروا سمائيين
[][/] لما أحنا الأثنين .. هدفنا واحد - ليه بنبان أننا متخالفين .!!!
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 17-03-2007
الصورة الرمزية لـ sce37
sce37 sce37 غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2003
الإقامة: EGYPT
المشاركات: 1,318
sce37 is on a distinguished road
هل كان عل يشوع أن يطرق الأبواب قائلا - أنا هو الأله - فأعبدوني - - - - - - ما أسهل هذا الحل!؟!

لكنه لم يفعل - فلقد كان مجئ الأله للأرض - مجئ غير مرحب به ( و لا يزال للأسف ) - - -
و لقد كان مجيئه لعمل محكم و محسوب - - - عمل عظيم غير مسبوق

فأذا تم العمل - لصح له أن يبدي حاله - و حين أذ يدرك كل من عاينه - أي مجد أستحقه هذا المصلوب
لذا - كلمات الألوهية - عن سيدنا المسيح " عيسى بن مريم " تظهر فقط بعد أحداث الصلب

أذا السؤال - هو ما حير الشياطين - لماذا التجسد؟
[][/] لما أحنا الأثنين .. هدفنا واحد - ليه بنبان أننا متخالفين .!!!
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 17-03-2007
الصورة الرمزية لـ sce37
sce37 sce37 غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2003
الإقامة: EGYPT
المشاركات: 1,318
sce37 is on a distinguished road
نعم - أكبر برهان للتجسد - هو أعلان الأله مجده لأنسانيتي شخصيا
الأعلان المباشر الصريح
الأعلان الرؤي الروحاني
أعلان الحكمة و أعمال العقل
أعلان التاريخ و الأحداث

و عل الشيطان أن يطمس كل تصريح لدعم هذه الأعلانات - بين كلمات غير مقتنع , كيف تثبت؟ , لم يحدث! - - - الى كلمات تحريف , خرافات أدعاءات . . . . . ألخ - - - - - - و لما لا - ألم يتجاسر أن يجادل الأله الحق ف محفله أن أترك لي أيوب فأغويه , ليصيرن من الكافرين !!!

فلمن تصير النصرة بحرب حقيقية بين أله حق لم ينكر نفسه
و بين شياطين العتمة الماكرين , لديهم كل سلاح مباح بلا حرمات و لا عطف
؟ ؟ ؟
[][/] لما أحنا الأثنين .. هدفنا واحد - ليه بنبان أننا متخالفين .!!!
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 17-03-2007
الصورة الرمزية لـ sce37
sce37 sce37 غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2003
الإقامة: EGYPT
المشاركات: 1,318
sce37 is on a distinguished road
Juses declared his nature in the 3 stages of our existence in different ways:
  • Before Thy born (history & prophecies)> . . a
  • Jesus at flesh
  • After cross till this moment
Jesus did not stop declaring his Divine Nature to his creatures for a moment.
He will declare his nature in full glory in His Coming Day

To be detailed >>>
[][/] لما أحنا الأثنين .. هدفنا واحد - ليه بنبان أننا متخالفين .!!!

آخر تعديل بواسطة sce37 ، 17-03-2007 الساعة 11:27 AM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 02-05-2007
kitty kitty غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Dec 2004
المشاركات: 23
kitty is on a distinguished road
الأخ العزيز صاحب السؤال
أرى ان اجابات الاخوة الاعضاء رائعة واحب ان اضيف فقط أن السيد المسيح برهن على الوهيته بالاعمال فما اسهل الكلام كما قال البعض. مثال تلك الاعمال انه اقام الميت بعد اربعة ايام. خلق عين المولود اعمى. عرف افكار الفريسين، غفر الخطايا، شفى المرضى واخرج الشياطين، اسكت البحر، كمان معجزة تحويل الماء الى خمر واشباع الجموع بتعد معجزات خلق.
غير كل دة فيه ايات صريحة وواضحة بتقول ان السيد المسيح هو الله للي عاوز يفهم مش يعاند. منها
1. انا والاب واحد
2. انا في الاب والاب في
3. ان ابن الانسان هو رب السبت ايضا (ومعنى كدة انه رب باقي الايام غير انه معروف عند اليهود ان رب السبت هو الله لانه يوم الرب)
4. من رأني فقد رأى الأب
وغير الأيات دي كتير اتمنى انك بنفسك تدور عليها وهي موجودة في كتاب لاهوت المسيح لقداسة البابا شنودة الثالث.
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 01-04-2008
AleXawy AleXawy غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
الإقامة: AleXanDria
المشاركات: 5,848
AleXawy is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: Did Jesus say " i'm the God " ??

I Am He
by Dr. John Ankerberg

Last month we talked about some of the Old Testament prophecies, and I want to continue with that for a moment. Look in your Bible, because there are two verses that I want you to compare. First of all, go to Isaiah 43:10. Now, in Isaiah 43:10 and other places, God gives prophecy. In doing so, He says, "I’m the only God out here and I’m going to prove it to you. I’m going to give you these statements and they’re going to come true about a man in the future." The science of probability says if you have eight of those statements that come true in one man in the future, it’s proof. It came from God. If you have 43, it’s beyond proof. It couldn’t be anything else. If you have 453, don’t even ask me the question. It’s a solid case for the existence of God.

In Isaiah 43:10, God says to Israel, "‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He’" (Hebrew: ani hu). "I am He" is a formula of a name that God uses to refer to Himself. You can find the ani hu used in Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 43:10, 13; Isaiah 48:12; and Jesus applied this title to Himself in Mark 13:6 and John 13:19. It’s just like the "I Am" (‘Ehyeh of Exodus 3:14. Jesus applied this name of God to Himself in John 8:24, 28 and 56). God said, "I’m going to give prophecy. It will come true. And when you see it come true, you’ll know that I am God. I am He." You can find this same phrase (I am He–ani hu) throughout Isaiah in reference to God.

Now, knowing that, turn over to John 13:19. In John, Chapter 13, Jesus picks up on this and He says, "I’m telling you now"—He has just given some information about prophetic events—"I’m telling you now before it happens so that when it does happen, you will believe that I am" who? "that I am He." Who do you think the Jews thought Jesus was saying He was? There is no other way that you can get around that statement but to say that Jesus was saying, "I am the I Am, I am He." I’m the God who spoke to your forefathers in the Old Testament." Let me give you another one like that.

Go to the book of John, Chapter 8. Sometimes I think you know these and many of you do, but for those of you that don’t, when I first saw this, this was a mind blower. If you ever have any doubt of who Jesus is claiming to be, this will clear it up in a heartbeat right here.

In this context, Jesus is disputing with the Jewish leaders. In John 8:56 He says, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day." That was a mind-blowing statement all by itself. Who was Abraham? He was the father of the Jewish nation. When did he live? Oh, at least 1,400 years before Jesus lived. "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day," He said. "He saw me. He saw my day coming." And not only that, he was glad. "Then said the Jews unto him, ‘Now, hold on, Jesus. Thou art not yet 50 years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Have you had contact with Abraham? How could you do that?’" They didn’t understand. "Jesus said unto them, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.’ Then they took up stones to cast at him." Now, whenever I say a statement and the audience goes for the rocks to kill me, I always want to know, "What did I say?" Were they mad at Jesus because His grammar was bad? What did He mean when He said, "I am the I AM?" Okay? Here’s how you find out.

Go back in the Old Testament to Exodus 3:14-15. Moses is standing at the burning bush. He’s out in the desert and God has just called him and said, "I want you to be the leader that’s going to take Israel out of Egypt." Moses is letting all this sink into his head and he gets a question. He says, "You know, when I get over there to the children of Israel and when I get over there to Pharaoh, they’re going to have a key question: Who sent you, Moses? And, God, I’d like to have a little idea of who you are and especially they’re going to say, ‘What is God’s name?’ So that’s the question Moses asked of God and the answer comes back, "And God said to Moses, ‘I Am who I Am and thus you shall say to the sons of Israel,’ "I Am has sent me to you."’" Who sent Moses? The I Am sent him. Furthermore, God said to Moses, "This is my name forever and this is my memorial name to all generations."

So the Jews all down through the centuries, they realized that the memorial name of God was the "I Am" and Jesus said before Abraham was, I’m the "I Am." And they said, "That’s enough! Go for the rocks! He is claiming to be God!" Jesus claimed to be God in the absolute certain terms of the Old Testament that they knew.

One day Jesus was talking to a whole group of people and He said, "Listen up. Someday I’m coming back at the end of the world and I will gather all the nations before me, and then I am going to judge and I am going to determine the eternal destiny of every man, woman and child that has ever lived." Think about what those words mean. Matthew 25:31-32 is where He said that.

And then in Matthew 7:23 He added these mind-boggling words: When He judges the world, what will be the criteria for whether you go to heaven or whether you are sent to hell, according to Jesus? You know what it was? Jesus said, "I will determine that on this basis: Those that’ll go into hell, I will look at them and say, "I, Jesus, never knew you. Depart from me." Now, you might have missed that. Jesus didn’t say, "It will be okay if you know something about Him." Jesus said the criteria would be, "Does He know you?"

Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about here. If I was to say, "How many of you know the President?" Well, everybody would raise their hand. Yeah, I know the president. If I said the same thing about a well-known sports figure or a movie star, you would probably respond, "Yeah, I know about them." But do you really know them? Have you ever shaken hands with them? Well, maybe you went through a receiving line with them one time and you shook hands, okay? But the fact is, what if I went to the President, or if I went to Shirley Temple or Tiger Woods, and I said, "Listen, Mr. President, Ms. Temple, Mr. Woods, do you know Harry over here?" See, that puts it in a different light altogether. Does the President know you personally?

Jesus didn’t say, "What’s important is for you guys to go to church and know a few facts about me." He didn’t say that. What He said was, your eternal destiny depends on His knowing you. Now that is a different problem altogether. If that’s true, I want to know, How is it that Jesus is going to get to know me personally? I certainly don’t want Jesus saying about me, "Hey, I don’t know you. Depart from me. Go to hell forever." Do you? So the question is, how can you know that Jesus knows you personally and won’t say that when Judgment Day comes?

Here is how. Jesus said He had come to give His life as a ransom for many. I have a friend who’s a banker in Minneapolis. Somebody kidnapped his wife and demanded $250,000 from him to get her back. They wanted a ransom. Now, usually you are advised not to pay ransoms because they kill the person either way. But he got together the money and paid them $250,000. He paid the price that they required and he got his wife back. He paid the ransom. Jesus said, "I have come to give my life as a ransom for the many." How did He do that? He went to a cross. He said He was God but at the end of His life He went to a cross and He went there for a reason. He had come to give His life as a ransom for the many, for you and me. He went to that cross, all the sins of our life, every one of the Ten Commandments that you have broken, every one of the laws He gave in the Sermon on the Mount, every law of God that we have ever broken, not just in act but in motive as well, all of that, the sins of our life, they were picked up and laid right on Jesus Christ while He was on that cross. He said, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Why? Because in that moment God turned His back on Jesus Christ because when He saw Him, He saw our sin and He turned away. And God’s wrath fell upon Jesus as if we were there. He became the atoning One, our substitute. He took our place and the wrath of God, our hell, was placed on Jesus Christ.

I can’t explain it all. That’s God’s business. All I know is He says that’s what happened. And when Jesus was on that cross, He paid the entire penalty and the price that needed to be paid for our sins. He paid it in full. And then He died and was placed into the grave. Three days later He arose. He’s living right now and He sent the disciples out and instructed them, "Go and tell everyone that you can be forgiven." What do you have to do to know the God of the universe, to get into paradise, to be with Him forever, to gain His favor? Jesus said, "It’s free. I love you. I gave my life for you. You don’t have to do anything." You have to admit that you’re a sinner because that’s why Jesus died. It would be a shame to say, "Lord, I’m sorry for my sin and I want to try to work my way out of sin." No. He is the Savior, not you. You accept a from Jesus. What is that ? It’s eternal life. It’s forgiveness of all your sins. It’s a relationship with God. He comes into your life and you become His child and you start to walk with Him. The Bible says put your faith in Jesus Christ.

How do you put your faith in Him? Right now, you’ve got your faith somewhere. If I was to say, "How are you going to get to heaven?" You’ve either put your faith in putting money into the offering plate, going to church, being a good person, something. Growing up in the right family, being an American, something. You’ve got your faith in that. Jesus said, "Switch it from that to me, because I’m the Savior. Those things will let you down. I’m the only one out here that can save you." How much faith do you need? Not a lot.

If you’re in a three story building and a breaks out on the first two floors and you go up to the top of the roof and the ’s coming to get you, the men all come out and they’ve got the net and they look up at you and say, "Jump." And you say, "It’s three stories up here. I’m afraid to jump." The men say, "Look, don’t you have faith?" "Oh, yeah, I’ve got faith." "Well, jump." But you say, "But I don’t have a lot of faith." Listen, buddy, it’s not your faith that’s going to save you, it’s how many guys are holding the net.

In terms of eternity, it’s not how much faith you have but who is the one that’s doing the saving when you put your faith out there. When you jump, you’ve got nothing to do with the results. It’s how strong the net and men are that will determine the final result. The net, if it’s strong enough, will hold you. God said, "I can hold you. I’m God. I’ll save you. I’m the One that’s doing the saving. It’s not up to you, it’s up to me." All you do is you put yourself into His hands. Have you ever done that? If you haven’t, Jesus doesn’t know you and you’re on your way to hell. If you were to die in the next moment, you’d stand before Him, guilty and condemned. Nothing more serious than what Jesus is talking about. I urge you right now to put all of your faith in Jesus Christ. Ask Him to forgive you and to make you a Christian.
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