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dont use your cell phones in the hospitals
When you enter a hospital, do look out for signs that say: "NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED". You might not realize what unfortunate things can happen due to your negligence. Be considerate! A 4 year-old girl was admitted due to leg fracture. As it was an open fracture, she had to undergo an operation to stitch the protruding bone back in place. The girl was hooked onto a life support system during the operation. The doctors input data into the life support system before she began the surgery. The operation went well until all in a sudden the life support system went dead. It was found out that a visitor was using his/her hand phone outside the operation Theatre. The frequency had actually affected the system. They tried to track down the fellow but to no avail. The little girl, young and innocent as she was, died soon after due to the failure of the life support system. Message: Be considerate. Do not use your hand phone at any hospital or places where you're told not to use it. You might not be caught in the act, but you might have killed someone without knowing it! Please Don't Use your Mobile phones while you are in Hospitals. and bring the sick ones flowers and big worm hug and kisses and tell them to carry the cross happily like jesus did
From all the things i have lost i miss my mind the most http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMePM...layer_embedded |
dont use your cell phones in the hospitals
This is a very important topic – I think – actually there are so many places you shouldn’t use the cell phone in. The hospital is very important one, but here are some other places:
1- Doctors offices. 2- Churches. 3- Restaurants or at least don’t be so loud. 4- Theaters. These are some of so many places you shouldn’t use the cell phone in and if you use for emergency, then be brief and not loud. |
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