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قديم 10-02-2006
ZORO2006 ZORO2006 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Feb 2006
المشاركات: 94
ZORO2006 is on a distinguished road
نفاق اسلامى !!جريدة الفجر تنشر صور الرسول, و لم يتظاهر المسلمون عليها !!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Egyptian Newspaper Pictures that Published Cartoons 5 months ago

No Danish Treatment for an Egyptian Newspaper
I promised you in my previous post to bring you the images of the Egyptian newspaper, Al Fager (as pronounced in Egyptian Arabic) that published the Danish Cartoons five month ago on Oct 17, 2005. Here is below the front page where the Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) cartoon from Jyllands-Posten was published.

A closer look. The text says in Arabic that a special reportage is inside. Mind you that this is the holy Muslim month of Ramadan. While Muslims are worshipping in this holy month, not a single protest was called in Cairo against Denmark or the newspaper.
Here is an image for page 17 where the whole report was published with 6 cartoons as published in Jyllands-Posten.

The two Egyptian editors, Ahmed Abel Maksound and Youssera Zaharan, from Al Fager newspaper. And from their names I could tell you that they are Muslims and there is no news on arresting them as the case in Jordan few days ago
Here is the front page with a closer look on the date , Monday October 17, 2005
Two days ago the editor in chief of Al Fager Adel Hammouda wrote an article expressing his surprise why this war is suddenly launched after 4 months. He indicates as I said in my previous post that it is politically motivated to hide more corrupt issues behind. And he is not apologizing for publishing the cartoons as the Danish newspaper did. Instead, he is proud his paper was first to publish. Denmark Cartoons absent Real Democracy Battle in Egypt

Previously:Cartoons were Published Five Months ago in Egypt,Boycott the Boycott
Denmark, Do not Apologize
Denmark Cartoons absent Real Democracy Battle in Egypt
Why Egyptians are not torching Danish Embassies?

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