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lord reign in me
Lord Reign In Me Overall the earth,You reign on high Every mountain stream,every sunset sky But my one request,Lord my only aim Is that you'd reign in me again Lord reign in me,reign in your power Over all my dreams,in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't you reign in me again Over every thought,over every word May my life reflect the beauty of my lord 'Cause you mean more to me than any earthly thing So won't You reign in me again. |
it's very cool
Happy Easter Believe, believe in the power of love To save us all from death and sin, And God that way your heart will move. Christ came to Earth to free us of The state of vengeance we were in. Believe, believe in the power of love To change the heart from snake to dove, To make dust bloom and goodness win, And God that way your heart will move. Christ arose from death to prove That we a new life could begin. Believe, believe in the power of love To bring us to a life above, A life of glory near to Him, And God that way your heart will move. Christ will all our sins remove And make us feel His joy within. Believe, believe in the power of love, And God that way your heart will [/COLOR] آخر تعديل بواسطة TINA_bent_yaso3 ، 10-05-2005 الساعة 06:06 PM |
عدد الأعضاء الذي يتصفحون هذا الموضوع : 1 (0 عضو و 1 ضيف) | |