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خيارات الموضوع | طريقة العرض |
Q&A from youth to Bishop Moussa
1- Why are men given Holy Communion before women? Simply because women are more humble than men! So I ask you to please stay humble and accept this regulation. Out of humility we do not think about who is first, but we prefer who is last. 2- Is the Holy Communion 100% Body and Blood of Christ? And if it is, why can't we see it as such? If you saw blood would you drink it? And if you saw flesh would you eat it? It is very difficult and that's why the Lord hides this and gives us the spiritual blessing without us seeing it physically. H.G Bishop Moussa
حكمة اليوم احنا ليش نستورد المعكرونه من الخارج ممكن نزرعها فى بلادنا العربيه احد الحكام العرب Mind Utter Devastation
آخر تعديل بواسطة servant4 ، 29-06-2006 الساعة 01:06 PM السبب: Questions was repeat |
عدد الأعضاء الذي يتصفحون هذا الموضوع : 1 (0 عضو و 1 ضيف) | |