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قديم 28-03-2006
thenight_templer thenight_templer غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 16
thenight_templer is on a distinguished road
thu false prophets

lets get, straight to the point ,,
The positive against negative ,this means when someone is warning you about a negative things then oppositely that means there are good positive things ( VIS-A-VIS )
This is what Ur bible says about false Prophets ,,,,,,,,,
15) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16) Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. .....
we can all hear and see clearly Christians are talking about false prophets because they already invented with thier minds such excuses to believe not with anything else but just what they have already choosen for themselves to believe without trying to understand the meaning behind the verses.
why have we never seen any one of them talk about the false Christs ? or fancies verses in the bible or the contradictions in the bible?? they wont distort the easy forgiveness they invented for themselves
we all know there is just one true Christ and there is also one false Christ , and i wonder who are the false christs the bible mentioned , in the bible there are (false christ-christs) - and its with (s) so its plural ,
i think that we already know , the false christs who have distorted the doctrines of Jesus and who have in fact distorted the truth , (christ - christs - christians )
this name (christs ) is not about subjective but its topical which reffers to those people who follow the subject
back to the main subject----------
so we can understand ( vis-versa ) from the verses above that there will be false prophets and there will be a true prophet , but why ?? and how come there will be false prophets and a true one ,,, for more explanation ,,,,open Ur mind please,,,, u have nothing to lose if u open Ur mind ....read this verse , slowly and carefully ,,
1Jo 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
why god ordered us to try and says but try the spirits whether they are of god??
the verse says (but try the spirits whether they are of God )
why did god order us to try the spirits whether they are of god??
if the bible is warning us about the false prophets , it would have said , ,," don't ever believe" ,, but it clearly says ( try) ,, this means to try the spirit of the prophets to see if the prophet is from god or not , and he used plural (they ) because there are too many , some will be false and some others will not be false , some will come as a prophet and some will come as good people which god will send for you to help you and to guide you and bad false spirits and prophets will come and try to mislead u , and the prophet in the verse or in any other it could have a genral meaning which could mean people who are preaching the doctrians (preachers -priests ) and you can say they might be disciples as well , and no wonder we all know that peter denied jesus 3 times and jesus him self called him peter a satan ,
maybe now your are going to say its because Jesus will come and return again (Muslims already believe this )and for this reason the bible says such and such a verse, but if u think this is the right explanation for that then it will lead us to other conclusions which will come through the questions ,
does that mean Jesus will come as a prophet or will he come as a god or as a spirit ?? , think >>>>> according to your beliefs , you say that there is no other prophet to come , so does that mean Jesus will not come back as a prophet
and he will not come as a god because we will be brought in front of him (the almighty ) at the end of the days and then there will be no need for god to say (but try ) because its will allready have been done , because it is the end of the day , there will be no time to try and there will be no need to try ,,(maybe its time to ),
so the only thing left that the he will come back as a spirit , but we can see clearly the verse says (try the spirits ),,
if he will return to you as a spirit it would have said (try the spirit ) without the plural (s) , and again iam gona say it wont be no need to try beacxuse it will be all done ( the day of judgemnet )
through all this conclusion and according to this verse it clearly states that there will be a true prophet to come after Jesse because the verse clearly says (try ) ,,
it will take sometimes to understand it ,,,, but why ?? why will a true prophet come ? i thought we had already been forgiven according to the bible so there is no need for any other prophets to come as we have already been saved by jesus Crucifixion .. and what will be this prophet's mission because we are allready forgiven ???
John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;
and don't tell me the comforter is Jesus himself , because according to John 14:16 Jesus said he will pray to god ( see , he will pray -talking about the future tense when he will be already with god - in that case god would not pray to himself nor would ask himself to give you another comforter -- don't forget this word ( another ) because its says ( another comforter ) which this clearly means he will pray to god to send you some one else
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